Chapter 98 : Intensified searches, Vegas against Nope

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Neutral POV

The night is intense for Korn. For hours, he has waited for the results of the DNA tests, his eyes glued to the screen of his phone. The Thai labs work tirelessly to provide him with answers, and each minute seems like an eternity. The air is heavy with tension and uncertainty, the shadows of the night mixing with the palpable worry of Korn, Chan, Tankhun, and Kim.

They have decided to settle in what is left of the living room to wait for the results. Their bodyguards have brought them food so that they don't starve, but the stress is so present that no one eats, not until the results come back. The anxiety is palpable, each second of silence amplified by the ticking of the clock and the distant rustling of the forest.

When the time comes, Korn rushes to consult them. His eyes scan the lines of text with fierce concentration. The discovery is both a revelation, a source of anxiety but also of incomprehension.

- What?

Korn frowns, not understanding anything. Chan, Tankhun and Kim hold their breath when he says:

- The results confirm the presence of Pete, Nope... but also that of Vegas and Gun!

- How so?

Chan does not seem to believe Korn, who hands him his phone.

- Look for yourself... They were all here but nothing, no trace of DNA linked to the Tiger's Eye.

Korn sighs, half relieved and half frustrated.

- Pete has been identified but I am furious that the Tiger's Eye remains elusive...

Korn clenches his fists. The confirmation of Pete's presence relieves him a little, but the absence of any trace linked to the Tiger's Eye irritates him deeply. The fact that Nope is also mentioned doesn't surprise him since he already suspected that he was a traitor but the unexpected presence of Vegas and Gun troubles him...

His face contracts under the effect of frustration and contained anger.Beyond everything, the idea that Tiger's Eye could have erased all the evidence makes him furious, but he keeps his outward calm so as not to panic his sons. He knows that he must remain the strong and rational figure, even if inwardly, he boils with worry for Pete and anger against his enemy.

- Revenge will be expensive for him but there are things that don't add up...

Chan, Korn's faithful right-hand man, remains stoically calm. However, his eyes betray a glimmer of worry. He appreciates Pete very much as a friend and the fact that he could still be alive pushes him to want to anticipate Tiger's Eye's next moves.

- I'll strategize for...

Korn shakes his head.

- No, this isn't the time... we need to stay together to try to clarify a few things...

Korn glances at his sons. Tankhun, known for his eccentricities, feels a wave of anxiety as he reads the results. He bites his lip, his mind swirling with catastrophic scenarios. The confirmation of Pete's presence reassures him slightly, but the lack of evidence against the

Tiger's Eye worries him deeply.

For once, his gestures become more controlled, his face more serious. He murmurs silent prayers for his family's safety, determined not to panic, even if his hands shake slightly.

- Dad... I'm very afraid for Pete...

Tankhun begins to burst into tears, imagining the worst. Kim, the most analytical of the family, takes him in his arms. He puts things into perspective.

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