Chapter 17: Let the cover-up begin

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Korn Point of View

Like every Sunday, I do pottery in one of my main outdoor rooms. Chan watches my back like a soldier on his king, in his usual righteousness, or maybe not quite... this morning he was in a very good mood, so I guess a certain Big had something to do with it ...but let's not dwell on that. I have something very important that is going to happen today and I have to stay serious.

This afternoon Vegas and Gun must come home for a very special motivation. It is a question of using a pretext so that I stick on them my most precious elements to have the answers to all my questions.

"Whatever Gun does in Vegas and Macau, I will know everything!"

My phone is ringing a notification. I lean over it while continuing my pottery. Kinn sends me a message. He just finished his business dinner with the gem seller and comes home with Tankhun's birthday present. He'll show it to me when he gets here, with Porsche and Pete.I'm waiting for my phone to turn off to resume my pottery activity.

- Chan?

My bodyguard walks towards me immediately and bows.

- Yes sir?

- Get the meeting room ready for two hours from now. During the meeting with Vegas and Gun, I want Big, Arm and Pol to be there.

- Arm and Pol, sir? They are still with Boss Tankhun!

- Send two more bodyguards to get them. I need them for the next few hours.

Chan purses his lips, not seeming to agree with what I'm asking. However, he responds:

- Well sir. I will do what you tell me.

- Thank you Chan, it's important for me.

- I know sir, that's why I'm going to do it.

I turn to him and smile. Loyalty is another important value for me and Chan is one who embodies it the most around me.

- You can dispose now. I don't need you here.

Chan bows and leaves. I smile to myself. Things line up exactly the way I want them to.

Pete's point of view

I spent a very tense day between Porsche who didn't speak to me and Boss Kinn who kept staring at me whenever he could.

There we are on our way back to the main house, after a very boring dinner between Boss Kinn and a gem seller. Porsche is driving, I'm next to him and Boss Kinn and behind with another of the main house bodyguards. The silence is intense and makes me very uncomfortable.

I glance at Porsche hoping he'll look back at me but not at all. He is very moody. His gaze is cold and distant. He stares at the road with a focused look that I can't stop finding sexy.

Praying that Boss Kinn wouldn't look at me then, I bite my lower lip, imagining myself being taken from behind by an angry Porsche, who insults me with all the vulgar names and how much I would appreciate that.

I close my eyes, trying to control my behavior. I really act like a bitch, don't I? I alternate between Porsche and Boss Kinn sex parties at a frantic pace. When one wants me I go with the other and vice versa. I'm demonic...and sometimes it backfires on me.

But in this situation, I am not wrong. I let Porsche have fun with me all day yesterday. Last night it was Boss Kinn's turn. It was important for me to spend this time with him but Porsche does not seem to hear it even though he agreed to share me with Boss Kinn. I don't understand his possessive and capricious behavior. Should I ask him for explanations or wait for the tensions to fade away on their own? Huge question...

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