Chapter 90 : Porsche's confession

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Neutral POV 

In this period of constant tension and uncertainty, Pete is plunged into a sea of inner torment. The mere thought of Kinn and Porsche's tragic demise torments him day and night, casting a dark shadow over every aspect of his life. Every moment is imbued with an oppressive heaviness, a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, threatening to come down at any moment.

The guilt gnaws at him relentlessly, an insidious voice whispering to him that everything could have been avoided if he had not sought to discover the truth about Boss Gun and Tiger's Eye. This thought tortures him with remorse and regret. At the same time, fear invades him, an all-consuming and paralyzing fear that threatens to overwhelm him at any moment.

Two days have passed since he learned that Boss Tiger/Gun had potential intentions to kill Kinn and Porsche. Despite Vegas' multiple attempts to call him, Tiger/Gun shows no signs of life.In this agonizing wait, each minute seems to stretch to infinity. Despite his efforts to remain hopeful, the lack of news weighs on Pete.

The fear of losing Kinn and Porsche, combined with the uncertainty of the future, makes him uneasy and threatens to overwhelm him at any moment. Every moment is filled with nagging anxiety, every thought obsessed with the darkness that surrounds it. Pete feels helpless in the face of this situation which is overwhelming him but fortunately, there are some positive points.

First of all, he appreciates the increased freedom he has gained. No longer having to call Vegas "Master" and no longer being physically tied down is a relief for him.

This new freedom offers him a semblance of control over his own life, allowing him to feel a little less trapped in his situation. Additionally, Pete notices that Vegas is starting to trust him more.

Vegas lets Pete go outside without worrying about him running away. He gives him the freedom to use the television, his computer and his phone to pass the time. However, their use remains closely monitored.

Vegas doesn't want Pete to leave yet so he controls him a little more, staying by his side when he uses the computer or phone to play games.

Pete lets himself go completely in this aspect, too happy to live almost normally again. This is already progress in their relationship. This renewed confidence gives him a sense of worth and importance, allowing him to feel a little more secure in the hostile environment of the moment.

Plus, Pete isn't ready to run away. This decision is partly motivated by the fact that he does not know how to return home and also he recognizes that staying with Vegas offers him some form of stability and protection.

Vegas now treats him as his equal. They have never been this close to each other since they crossed the professional border from Boss-Bodyguard.

Pete doesn't call Vegas "Sir" but by his own first name. He becomes more confident, no longer hesitating to answer her honestly and brazenly when necessary.

Vegas loves this rebellious side of Pete and it excites him deeply, so much so that as soon as Pete sulks or shows some displeasure, it's off to the games room.In their complex and emotionally charged relationship, they have found a unique balance that combines intimacy and exploration of limits. Their couple dynamic manifests itself through regular BDSM practices, but always within the framework of mutual consent and deep respect.

For Pete, these intense moments of role play and domination became a temporary escape from the oppressive reality of their captivity. Under Vegas's guidance, he explores his own desires and boundaries, discovering new aspects of his own sexuality and identity. He lets himself be dominated without opposition, which greatly pleases Vegas.

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