Chapter 44 : The struggle of hearts

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During the following days, Porsche was less present for me but Kinn was even more present. With the Tiger's Eyes case, My sex-friend does not have time to please me as much as the one I now consider my aspiring girlfriend.

Kinn leans towards me to kiss me. It's morning and we start another day.

- Hello little heart....

I turn to Kinn, who has become a real love since he promised me not to hurt anyone anymore.

- Hello P'Kinn.

I give him back his kiss before snuggling in his arms.

- Did you sleep well?

- Yes, and you?

- Always when you are close to me.

Kinn kisses my forehead before breathing deeply.

- Today it's Porsche who brings breakfast... I hope it will arrive on time, we don't have time to afford to lose it.

I stand up to tell him:

- In fact, I told him not to come this morning to bring us breakfast. I... I'm going to do it to us.

Kinn smiles, delighted by this perspective.

- Mmmh... it's going to be the most beautiful feast of all time then...

Kinn puts me astride him to cuddle me tenderly. I have my body covered with bites and lollipops and they kiss them with affection.

- Mmh... so delicious Pete... I could eat you raw if I could.

I laugh with a good heart.

- Unfortunately for you, we don't have time. Let's go quickly take a shower then I'll have breakfast and then we'll be ready for work.

I detach myself from him to leave the bed, naked. Kinn follows me so that we can take a shower together. For once, he doesn't fuck me while I wash and he washes.

I think it's because we really don't have time to do it.

We only spend 5 minutes in the shower. We dress quickly and I hurry to go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Right now, Kinn loves having spicy grilled pork rice for breakfast, so I'm doing this to him to put him in a good mood.

While I cook everything for him, Kinn arrives behind me to give me a hug from behind. He gently grabs me by the waist and puts his chin on my shoulder to also have an eye on what I am preparing for him.

- It looks good to me...

I smile:

- I'm glad you like it P'Kinn... I turn into a real fairy of the house on purpose for you... I will not only satisfy you sexually but also culinaryly...

Kinn gives me a kiss on the neck before straightening up.

- Well, I'm going to sit at the table then...

- I'm coming to serve you in a few seconds.

Indeed, I follow him closely with the pans in hand. I put them on the dining room table and I hasten to serve it.

Kinn observes me affectionately and tells me as I sit in front of him.

- Pete I love you.

I freeze when I hear him say that. It's not the first time he's told me but I haven't answered it yet. He knows that I am not yet ready to tell him, even if my actions already show it.

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