Chapter 43: Macau to conquer Chay?

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I have a hard time staying focused in this meeting. I spent one of the most beautiful nights of my life with Porsche and Pete.

We did a threesome for nearly half of the night without interruption and the greatest joy.

I was able to taste the Porsche body after months of abstinence and Pete too. I know that they were both very happy to meet again, given the complicity with which they interact with each other again.

It still makes me strange but I am convinced that everything will become normal again.

While Dad talks about what he wants to talk about, I meet Pete's eyes, located in his place of bodyguard. He gives me a beautiful smile before turning away from me, looking shy. He's red and I know that I'm the one who provokes this in him.

I refrain from puffing using water and when dad turns to my uncle Gun.

- My dear brother... we definitely have to deal with a ghost that strikes without warning... the Guadeloupean mafia asks us for news of the assassination of one of their representatives with us. I hope you have mobilized your knowledge network...

Silence is required when Uncle Gun starts talking. It's always a tense moment but Dad gives him such a piercing look that he doesn't allow himself any inappropriate remarks.

- Yes, I was able to mobilize my troops but it is a failure... the one who beheaded Lord John left no trace behind him but I continue my investigation based on his modus operandi. My sources in the fonts are working on the issue and will get back to me as soon as possible.

Kim, who decided to participate in the meeting, left Chay in his room to come here. He intervenes:

- Tiger's Eye is surely behind this... the attacks on our family have never been stronger since we know its existence.... We know from the Tanaka family that Tiger's Eyes does nothing at random. This blow has been calculated. I am convinced that he does not act alone. We have to wait for his next attack to take him by surprise.

He is someone who knows by heart our way of operating...

- Would it be a member of our...?

- No family but someone who knows enough... someone who is active and passive... someone who protects but who also has his ears everywhere... I'm sorry to say it but I think again that it's a bodyguard group who pulls the strings of everything or who works with someone outside the family...

Dad sighs, not knowing what to think anymore. He looks at Porsche and Pete, the only bodyguards who have been allowed to stay with us. They are the ones we trust the most and I know they will never betray us.

Porsche is a little uncomfortable. It is the assumption that bodyguards are involved in the instability of our family that caused a tense situation between him and all of us.

This time we will not make the same mistake.

- Porsche... as Chan's right-hand man, I want you to ensure increased monitoring of the profiles of the people best able to betray us and to put in place monitoring strategies. You will take up the food for thought that Ken and Chan had begun to do... in support with Pete and Kinn... if necessary. Get by, but I want results. Search wherever you can search.

For a reason I don't know, Uncle Gun shoots Porsche with his eyes. Is he upset? I don't know... his behavior is very strange... maybe he is too tense to remain cordial. It will be understandable, the family has never experienced periods as critical as this one.

Porsche nods its head and simply answers:

- All right, sir. I will do my best to find the last word of this story.

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