Chapter 52 : The suspect

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Neutral POV

Pete and Porsche spent the afternoon and evening together. It did them good to be together, without. The latter ended up showing up in their apartment, while not sleeping almost on Pete. He is contorting to welcome his boyfriend.

He made her coffee and cakes so that they could talk in peace and fill their stomachs.

Porsche eventually woke up and took part in the conversation during which he and Pete learned that John's body was equipped with an explosive chip at the back of his neck, the one that caused his death.

- The Tiger's Eyes places a flea in the body of its allies?

Porsche forced Pete to sit on his lap. Pete lets himself go.

- Yes, but you would have to capture someone else to be sure...

Pete serves coffee to Porsche and asks:

- Were you able to have the entire explosive chip?

- A few pieces yes but we are working to have it whole. Our teams of forensic doctors are searching John's guts.

Kinn takes an affectionate look at Pete.

- So baby? Who are you sleeping with tonight?

Pete turns to Porsche.

- I promised Porsche to spend the night with him but we will meet tomorrow morning. I'll make you breakfast.

Pete moves from Porsche's knees to Kinn's.

- Mmh... great then... will you take it with me too?

- Yes P'Kinn.

Pete bends over to kiss Kinn. Porsche observes them with an impassive glow. However, we all know here that he is far from indifferent to this.

Seeing his best friend as a couple makes him happy but the fact that it is with Kinn, bothers him a little, given the attachment he begins to have for him.

He's not going to display anything in front of Kinn and Pete.

- And... Hum... During the interrogation, we learned that the traitor of the main house was someone close to us... but also to Chan... I did not understand why he said: « to the three of us. "

Kinn caresses Pete's back by answering:

- Chan is close to many people and we have a lot of relationships in common...

Kinn undresses Pete by taking off the top of his pajamas to kiss his whole body. Pete lets himself be done with dedication.

- Nnnh... Kinn...

Kinn devours Pete with his eyes while Porsche answers him:

- Your relationships and those of Chan have a common link with mine... we have a knowledge in common, high enough in the hierarchy of bodyguards and who has access to all the resources of the main house, to provide Tiger's-Eil with enough information to harm us...

Pete gets comfortable on Kinn who puts his hand in his underpants.

- Aaaanh.. P'Kinn...

Kinn laughs.

- It's enough to touch her so that you are at our mercy, right?

Pete moans with approval and Porsche looks at them for a few seconds, seeming to understand that the conversation about the main house whimsoner will be handed over later.

- Can I join you?

Pete is now naked, his legs apart on Kinn, who has already put his dick in his ass.

- Aaanh... aaanh...

Kinn takes Pete by the neck and approves Porsche's arrival in this unplanned sex party.

There are some events that are not planned but that provide pleasure while others provide tense and irritating feelings.

Korn is well placed to know this. Indeed, he is aware of all the revelations that were said during this afternoon.

Chan is with him, just finished his report.

- We have a big problem... we made the wrong choices??

- We must do everything to find the traitor... it can't be Porsche and Pete. They have proven that they are loyal... Arm and Pol are not at all aware of everything we do. Big...

Chan looks up.

- ... has nothing to do with it... he is loyal and devoted..

Korn sighs.

- If it can't be Porsche, Pete Arm and Pol... it's just him, Chan... He often frequents you... as he does with Porsche and Kinn... he is in confidence and it may be he who gives information to the Tiger Eye... I'm not saying that he is a traitor but as long as we have nothing that proves the contrary...

Chan is angry. He bangs his fist on the table.

- Big is my boyfriend... my pillar here... I can't imagine that he will be involved in this plot...

- I know Chan but look things in the face... John said that the traitor was both close to you, Kinn and Porsche. The only one that corresponds to this is Big... we must neglect no details.

Chan seems devastated and needs to stay alone. He leaves Korn's office and goes to his apartments.

He takes a deep breath as he goes through the corridors. He grabs his phone and calls Big.

The latter picks up immediately.

- Yes Chan?

Chan gives a tense smile when answering:

- Baby... Where are you?

- At my apartment... why? Do you want to come?

Chan nods his head by opening the door of his apartment to execute the idea he has behind his head.

- Yes, I'm coming but Ken won't be there?

- No, he works at night at Boss Kim's. The apartment is all ours... baby.

Big seems energetic and fit. Thinking that he is the traitor puts Chan in funny states.

- I'm coming... we're going to have a good time...

Chan forces joy in his voice so as not to attract attention. He looks in his belongings in search of a cookie in order to place some in the apartment, Big's phone to listen to his conversations, hoping not to have regretted this later.

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