Chapitre 30: le véritable Karma de Kinn [+18]

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Kim's point of view

I'm in my apartments alone. I got out of the bodyguards that Dad wanted to impose on me to leave the main house. Very simple: I gave them a huge tip and their free afternoon.

I have to stay focused to catch up with my music projects. It is out of the question that I let Dad's people annoy me longer. One body guard is enough for me, but four... No...

I think he does this to strengthen the safety of the family. We have a lot of problems with rival gangs at the moment since the Joya company declared that it was the victim of embezzlement.

We must remain united. I hear it but I don't like being locked inside a bunch of body guards. I want to remain independent. It's important to me...

I sigh when I get up from my desk. I am in front of my computer working on my next songs that mainly turn to love and the construction of life. Most are turned to Chay, who has become my new source of inspiration to write my songs.

Writing about him all the time makes me strange. I'm still a little guilty of using Chay to understand who Porsche is for Dad. I intended to use this week of residence at the main house to clarify this case but I did not have time to focus on this issue or to come and see Chay at his home as I had promised him.

He tried to call me this week I didn't answer him. I'm a little panicked as soon as I see his name appear on my phone. He tries to join me to hear from me and also to update me on his progress in preparing his competition to enter the University of Music in Bangkok.

I have always used as an excuse to be in the rehearsal room, traveling for business, in short... all that can allow me to justify my absence with him I take it... but I don't know if this strategy will remain a good strategy because by playing too much with fire, we end up burning ourselves.

Chay's point of view

I am alone at home. I'm bored. I don't want to go out anymore without Kim accompanying me. My life has become better since I knew him and also since Porsche worked for the T mafia family.

Mr. Korn, that's what he calls the fact of monthly transfers so that I can live my life decently. As I'm all alone in the house, I'm the one who manages everything. I manage myself, whether to eat, my care if I need it. I started making a list of work to do in the house to make it more attractive and for Porsche to know that things are taken in hand by me.

Besides, I keep insisting that he comes to spend time with me. He promises to come but don't do it... on the pretext that he is busy with the main family. If it continues, I'm going to go to his house to pick him up...I never went to the main family's house I wonder what my brother's workplace looks like.

All I know is that he is very active with a certain Pete. It seems to me that they are roommates and that he has a certain fantasy for him. I also know that after months of tension, Porsche has made friends with its boss, Boss Kinn.

Porsche had shown me a picture of him and I couldn't help but find that there was an air of resemblance between him and Kim. After that, it can be a coincidence. The male Thai population has many common features in the face. This is surely what can explain their resemblance.

Thinking of Kim I can't help but sigh. I find him distant. This week he didn't come to see me. He claimed to be musically busy but he wasn't at his studio when I wanted to go see him. My instinct tells me to be wary. I'm starting to think he's hiding something.

No, it's impossible...

Kim will never do such a thing to me.

He loves me and I love him and when we love you don't hurt. Kim knows it.

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