Chapter 84 : Captivity (RAPE)

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The chapter that follows is extremely violent. Don't read it if you're not comfortable with it.

I am responsible for what I write but not for what you think and do about it.



Every day becomes a physical and mental ordeal, marked by isolation, fear and loss of control.

The chains that hinder my movements symbolize not only the deprivation of physical freedom, but also the loss of all autonomy. Each movement is calculated, measured by the length of the chains, a constant reminder of captivity. The marks of violence on my body are like living scars, witnesses to the brutality that reigns here.

The cell, with its cold and impersonal walls, becomes my narrow and oppressive universe. The hours drag on in cruel monotony, punctuated only by the steady sound of chains and the echoes of my own thoughts. The lack of natural light worsens the feeling of hopelessness, creating a stifling atmosphere.

Despair creeps in, fueled by the oppressive silence and the certainty that no one will ever know I'm here. Each day seems an endless repetition of the last, an existence devoid of hope or perspective. The thought that my suffering remains invisible to the outside world adds an unbearable weight to my situation.

The fear of the unknown and the constant threat of further harm haunt me. Tiger's cruel face, a source of terror, seems ever present, even in the darkness of the cell. Memories of past violence torment me, creating a toxic mix of trauma and resignation.

Every moment becomes an internal fight to preserve my dignity, my will to survive. The prospect of a lifetime in this hell seems unbearable, but hope, however slim, remains the faint but flickering light at the end of the tunnel, a glimmer that I strive to keep alive despite the darkness that surrounds me.

Beyond all this, the regrets weigh on me for not having had the opportunity to reconcile with Kinn. It is a source of pain. The unsaid words, the unfulfilled gestures, all of this is mixed together in a whirlwind of remorse. I wish I could ease tensions, repair mistakes, and rediscover the connection that seemed lost. Every unshared moment becomes a burden, and the lack of reconciliation remains a painful scar on the fabric of my memories.

Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes as I begin my fourth day of captivity. I count the days with a stone that I lean against a wall to use as chalk and mark with a vertical bar to remind me how much time has passed since my body became Tiger's favorite playground .

Every day I am tortured, whipped and flogged. The pain is so present that I can no longer lie down as I want, or move as I want.

I can no longer stand up, my legs are so weak that they could break. I have become very thin, I no longer eat or drink as much as before.

When Tiger is in a "good mood", he allows me to eat dry bread and drink unsafe rainwater. Currently, I find myself having episodes of stomach ache and severe constipation.

My body is functioning very poorly and I wonder how long I will have to endure this before...

My thoughts fall silent when I hear my cell door burst open. Just knowing it's Tiger is enough to send a shiver of terror down my spine.

I get on my knees, like every time he comes to see me. I noticed that he enjoyed this and softened a little more each time I did it. I'm ready to do anything to stay alive and every second I spend without getting beaten is a small victory.

But nothing is simple. Tiger's every step sounds like an ominous warning, heralding a relentless and menacing presence. I'm very scared for myself. As he approaches, the atmosphere in the cell becomes oppressive. Just knowing it is there creates a palpable tension. My senses are alert, and each beat of my heart resonates like an echo of my own vulnerability.

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