Chapter 95: Reunion and Chase

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Neutral POV :

The days pass almost peacefully, as a sign of the end. Korn is getting closer and closer to the last ramparts that separate him from the identity of the Tiger's Eye. His troops have captured workers of his sworn enemy and obtained the location of a property that the Tiger's Eye had bought to develop macabre plans. Without wasting time, Korn has sent his best mercenaries to 

Laos, in order to discover what is hidden in this house. Each step he takes brings him closer to the truth, and he knows that the moment of confrontation is approaching.

Korn has received news from his brother Gun, who, as Korn had thought, had decided to keep a low profile so as not to draw attention to himself. Gun was furious to learn that Korn had interfered in his affairs and that he had gone to look for Macau without his consent. It was by a prepaid and untraceable phone that Korn and Gun exchanged a few words.

Korn revealed to Gun that he was getting closer and closer to the truth and that soon, he and Vegas could be back. As for news from Vegas, Korn didn't have any. Gun said that Vegas was sick and tired, when in fact it's something else entirely...

Korn doesn't know it yet but he's going to find out soon that Pete was Gun's prisoner, that he was saved by Vegas and that the latter used him as a sex toy for months to pay off a debt.

For now, Korn only has suspicions about Gun. His way of behaving is too strange for him. Gun didn't want to tell Korn where he was, dodging the question. Also, during this call, suspicious noises of liquid being thrown on the ground could be heard. It's like Gun was planning to burn something... or someone?

Korn is just sure about Nope's betrayal, but Nope would never have acted alone without such extensive resources. Gun has them, and Korn is increasingly convinced that her little brother is trying to destroy him by playing on two sides: being on his side and being on that of the Tiger's Eye. However, without tangible proof, he cannot accuse Gun of something he potentially did not do. 

Distrust nevertheless settles in him, making him more vigilant. Korn knows that even within his own family, allegiances can be fragile and deceptive. He therefore keeps a cool head, ready to act if his suspicions are confirmed.

In addition to the Tiger's Eye affair, Korn is very concerned about the fate of Porsche and Kinn, still convalescing. If Kinn recovered relatively quickly, this is not the case for Porsche, whose recovery is long and slow. The rehabilitation sessions seem to last forever and Porsche almost loses hope of recovery. Every day is a struggle, and despite his determination, he feels the weight of fatigue and discouragement.

Fortunately, Porsche can count on the unwavering support of Kim, Tankhun and Chay. Kim, with his calm and rational approach, provides valuable stability. Tankhun, with his exuberance and humor, lightens the atmosphere and brings a smile to Porsche's face in his darkest moments. Chay, loyal and caring, is a constant source of comfort and motivation for his older brother. Together, they form a bulwark of support around Porsche, helping him get through this difficult time and maintain hope despite the trials.

Korn and Chan often visit Porsche, always accompanied by Kinn. During each visit, the two men cannot help but notice the budding chemistry between the two young men. The glances exchanged, the shy smiles and the moments of obvious complicity do not escape them. It's clear that a deeper feeling is developing between Porsche and Kinn, far beyond mere friendship.However, this situation also raises questions and concerns for Korn and Chan. They wonder how things will play out when Pete is found. Pete, Kinn's boyfriend and Porsche's loyal friend, remains an important figure whose absence weighs on everyone. The dynamic between Kinn, Porsche, and Pete could become complicated upon his return, especially if Pete returns with deep scars, both physical and emotional, from his ordeal.

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