chapter 5 Sweet warm afternoon [+18]

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Porsche's point of view

Although Kinn's dealings with the Russians lasted barely three cordial exchanges, I had the grave impression that time was passing very slowly. Why when we go through bad times, is it like this? Why does time pass so quickly when we are happy and so slowly when we are unhappy? It's very strange.

Not that I'm unhappy right now, but what happened with Kinn in the elevator sticks in my mind. This version of him, angry and desperate for power, scares me. That's why I behaved well during all our outings. He didn't speak to me. I haven't spoken to him.

Even though I deeply hate him, I know when to get him in trouble or not. I think the scene I did in the cafeteria should never have happened. I think I may have gone a little too far... We are on our way to the main family house. Big and Chan are in front. One drives, the other stays alert in case someone dares to attack Kinn's armored car. The silence is total. There is not a sound in the car. As we walk over one of Bangkok's most influential bridges, I take the risk of sneaking a sneak peek at Kinn.

His face is closed and his gaze absent. I stare at Kinn for a long moment. His black hair falls over his forehead, wrinkled, as though immersed in thought.

"The deal with the Russian investors didn't go very well...they seem to have other obligations elsewhere..."

Chan, head of the bodyguards, turns his head in my direction. Endowed with a completely obvious professionalism, I hasten to meet his gaze and pretend to be on the lookout like him.

- Boss Kinn... We should talk about the meeting we had with the Russian investors at Boss Korn. The situation with them is becoming more and more irritating...

Big continues on his way without worrying about the conversation. I glance at Kinn who doesn't answer. Chan lets five minutes pass before saying:

- Sir? You have me...

Kinn shouts so loudly that he surprises us all.

- YES ! I heard! You don't have to repeat yourself!

Big, who is driving, becomes uneasy. Me, I sink into my seat, and decide to lay low. Chan and Kinn look at me coldly. My eyes alternate on each of them. Will they throw themselves on each other to kill each other? Chan resumes the conversation, wanting to be calm:

- The construction of the casino cannot be done without the Russians and their investments, Mr. Kinn. We must not let them go and let them go to our Chinese competitors!

Kinn sits up and brings his face closer to Chan:

- Do you take me for a beginner in business or what? It's been five years since dad gave me control of our business... And in five years, I've never lost a single action!

Angry, Kinn punches the middle seat, the one separating me from him. I stare at his strong, clenched fist before looking up at his face. Chan sighs patiently.

- Life can't be all about victory, Boss Kinn. You also have to make mistakes to progress.

- Defeat is for the weak!

I raise an eyebrow, not agreeing with him at all.

- Defeat is not for the weak! He is there to give us the opportunity to do better next time, provided we have enough intelligence to see the situation from another angle and thus lead to potential success. It is enough to see what gets stuck and what does not make Russian investors want to invest in the construction of your casino... Sir.

I added that last word, reluctantly, turning my head to Kinn. He looked at me, incredulous. 

- Since when do you give me advice? I didn't ask you anything.

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