Chapter 86 : the Shift

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Three days have passed since I found out Vegas knew about my dual identity. I don't know how to feel since that moment.

My heart swings between a feeling of relief and panic. I'm relieved that I no longer have to hide anything from my eldest son and that he finally understands why I start changing my behavior, but I'm panicked at the idea of him knowing so much about me.

I find myself having to meet commitments that I had not anticipated and I confided in Nope about this. My bodyguard is always attentive and even though I have already punished him once in my personal prison, he seems to continue to have unwavering loyalty to me.

Fortunately, because now I find myself caught in a vice, seeing my choices increasingly reduced. I stopped all my operations against the principle family and against my brother, at the request of Vegas. I took the necessary steps to be medically monitored by my doctor, Doctor Sky, the one who has known me for years and who is aware that I have been beating Vegas and Macau for a very long time.

The fact that he knows me, that he has never judged me and that he studied psychiatry pushes me to choose him. I should have turned to him instead of going to a doctor I didn't know. I thought a doctor's neutrality would help me but it made me kill him.

Vegas was happy when I told him by message that I had an appointment next week for treatment. He told me that he was proud of me and that I should continue on this path.

I'm not happy with this but I realize that I've made way too many mistakes and that I should start fixing them... before it's too late to mend my relationship with everyone.I can't let Tiger get the best of me all the time. He does not seem reassured and seems to be trying to take control of our System. I'm fighting to stop him from doing this but it's difficult.

I get more and more angry for trivial reasons and I start to scare everyone. I need to calm down before I make a fatal mistake.

- Perhaps I should make sure that Vegas is far from me so that I avoid attacking him...I had thought about moving him to one of my undeclared second homes , as I had done recently when Korn began purging my house. He's starting to warm to me too... Even though I've stopped making dirt on him, he still seems determined to find me. Ultimately, it's only a matter of time for the final war between him and me to occur.

I get up from my desk, grabbing my phone. I call Nope first and tell him to wait for me outside Vegas' apartment. We need to review our plans together.

-Hey Nope, stop whatever you're doing and meet me at the Vegas apartment.

I don't let him talk, preferring to hang up to call Vegas.

-Son, are you available?

I hear Pete moaning in the background. I understand they are having sex.

- It depends for what ?

- I need to talk to you about an important subject with Nope. We arrive in 5 minutes. Make sure we don't catch you having sex with Pete.

Vegas seems to agree with this and hangs up. I put my phone away to get ready to leave.


- Nnnght....

The infection in Pete's ass is almost gone. So I take the opportunity to familiarize him with my sexual instruments. This morning he gets acquainted with the fisting games that I usually do with my submissives.

Pete pulls on his chains, moaning in pleasure. His legs and wrists are chained.His ass is exposed to all my fantasies and he is very docile.

- That's good Pete...we're almost done...

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