Chapter 32: Punishment [+18]

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Dear reader, this chapter contains violence. If you are not comfortable with this, don't read. I am responsible for what I write but not for what you think about it or what you do with it.


Vegas point of view

It's about 7 o'clock when I wake up. The night was short but restorative. I slept deeply and woke up in a good mood.

What happened between me, Porsche and Pete was unique. I would never have thought that this would happen and not even and above all... I lost my virginity in something that was not planned.

I'm still in my sofa that served me as a bed. Porsche and Pete slept in my room and judging by the noises I hear in my kitchen they must be awake.

I stretch and stand up. Still naked last night, I get up from my sofa to go to my room. The bed is made and the room in order. It's as if no threesome had ever taken place.

I go to my dressing room to dress casually. There's no point in dressing chic if I don't go out right away.

So I only put on a simple jog and a t-shirt before taking the way to the kitchen to see what is being done there. I only find Pete, busy making breakfast. He is dressed like me in a jogger and a t-shirt... except that it's not his but mine. Sir used himself in my dressing room?

I approach him by ensuring that Porsche is not in the area. Pete probably makes rice and omelets for him because there is only one exit plate. I exclaim by placing myself behind him.

-Hi Pete...

Pete jumps and almost falls. I catch up with him in a second by grabbing him by the arm and drawing him towards me. His body hits my body without him and I having planned it. We look at each other for a few seconds before he moves away from me. While the situation amuses me, Pete looks around him to make sure that Porsche is not in the area.

- Sir, you scared me...

I make a mischievous smile and answer:

- oh really...? I didn't think that the fact that our bodies touch each other, once again, scares you so much... you were motivated that they are...

Pete tries to keep calm and not blush like a tomato. He again focuses on rice cooking, preferring to change the subject of conversation.

- do you want to eat? I just made your breakfast.

Surprised, I exclaim:

- me? And Porsche, he doesn't eat...?

Pete shakes his head and answers:

- Porsche went running very early this morning... he didn't want me to prepare his breakfast for him saying that he would take it later in the kitchen. He is not back yet.

While Pete prepares my plate, I'm looking at it in detail. Seeing him in my clothes disturbs me a little. But I must say that I like this idea very much. I discreetly lick my lips before saying:

- so, you thought you were going to prepare my breakfast for me...I didn't think you were so helpful, I could have done it myself.

Pete turns his head towards me, and stares at me with a very sweet look, something I would never have imagined happening in the absence of Porsche. His behavior is natural and seems to be a sincere approach. He simply tells me:

- you are younger than me, sir, just like Porsche. I take care of him because I am the oldest. I do the same for you in the same principle. I think it's my duty to do it. I've always been taught to take care of those younger than me and it's something I do quite naturally but if it bothers you I won't do it anymore.

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