Chapter 61: Torture, focus and pact with the Devil

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Neutral POV

Korn sat on his chair. He is in the meeting room, waiting for the arrival of all his guests. The evening could have gone well but the Universe decided otherwise. Tonight, Arm behaved like a real hero. He had begun to have suspicions about Big's actions and had decided to search his apartment, shared with Ken, for evidence of his harmful activities.

Arm had found walkie-talkies, impressive sums of money and prepaid phones and more importantly, a laptop that allowed Big to communicate with the Tiger's Owl.

Korn sighs and thinks of Chan, his right arm, who was literally in shock, overwhelmed by disbelief and struck with fright to have learned that Big, the love of his life, was a traitor. The suspicions that had been made against him had been innocuous but they turn out to be justified.

- I don't even dare to imagine your current state of mind...

Korn crosses her arms while still thinking of Chan, who did not come to this crisis meeting. For her mental health, Korn invited her to stay in her apartments to digest the news.

Korn has the opportunity to focus on the future, something he will do as soon as the door of the meeting room opens. He recognizes Gun, Vegas, Macau, who display a devastated and confused air.

Behind them, Porsche, Pete, Kinn and Chay. This one has red eyes, a sign that he must have experienced a complicated experience. Korn frowns, surprised but does not comment.

He also summoned Tankhun, Pol and Ken on an exceptional basis. Kim is not in a position to attend such a meeting. Korn invites the mafia and bodyguard to sit around the table.

- know the reason for this meeting...but not you others...( After a silence, Korn declares.) Arm is absent, as you can see. He is currently between life and death in the hospital sector of the main house, undergoing emergency surgery.

Pol will get up from his chair, in total panic.

- What? Arm???

Tankhun has tears in his eyes and takes Pol in his arms. Under the saddened eyes of all, the two men embrace. Korn are looking at them, sorry.

- I'm sorry Pol that you are learning this but the circumstances that pushed Arm finished in the hospital, are related to the Tiger's-Eil case, the one where you were dismissed. Arm had discovered, through the use of his surveillance cameras, the shenanigans of the traitor of the main house. He fought with him, almost at the cost of his life, to protect the interests of the family.

Pol cries discreetly, just like Tankhun. Kinn sighs when he sees his brother in such a state of sadness. He sits next to him and takes the initiative to pass one of his arms over his shoulder.

Pete, Porsche and Ken are sitting next to each other, discreetly discussing the situation in a low voice, imitated by Gun and Vegas who are staying between them.

Only Macau remains silent, more busy wondering what Chay could say to Kinn and Pete during his absence from the room.

However, he remains attentive in case he should intervene.

Pol lets anger take possession of his face.

- Who is the traitor Sir? Is he still alive?

Korn pinches his lips, having feared this moment. He exchanges a look with Kinn.

- There is no point in hiding this information Dad. He has the right to know.

Korn nods his head. He supports Pol's gaze.

- The's Big.


Pol loses his means, not knowing how to react.

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