Chapitre 80 : Pardon

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Two days later


48 hours after hurting Pete, I'm still not in good spirits. He didn't speak to me during this time but also didn't reveal the abuse I did to him.

Today Porsche returns to the main house and Pete comes back to me. He seems to be doing better from what Kinn has told me and is therefore in condition to come and spend time with me.

I hope to begin a process of reconciliation with him. While waiting for this crucial moment, I turn over in my bed for the eighth time to stay in it a little longer but my alarm rings for the third time...and for the third time, Porsche turns it off. He finally leaned towards me.

- Get up, little sugar!

Porsche slides his hand into my blankets and caresses my back. I shudder at this contact.

- Porsche, I don't want... you don't want to make me breakfast and take it to bed for me?

Porsche raises an eyebrow and says:

- I'm willing to make you breakfast but I don't want you to eat it in bed. The smell of food in the room is unbearable for me. You know that, right?

To force me to get up, Porsche takes off my blanket and discovers that I am naked. He looks me straight in the eyes.

- You did it on purpose so that I would fuck you, huh?

I immediately turn red.

- Not at all, I...aaah!!

Porsche grabs me by the ankle to turn me over onto my stomach and spank me.

- Hhhnngt...Porsche!!

He takes great pleasure in pulling down his pants to show me his cock, already swollen and thick. He is erect, waiting to relieve himself.

- You're so visually delicious that I'm excited, but you're going to fix what you caused, right?

Without wasting time, he penetrates me without finger play. Now we fuck so many times that I don't even need that for it to slide inside me on its own.

Porsche hits my prostate several times in a row and I find myself having to scream with pleasure to evacuate the sensations that reach me.

I get comfortable to endure this moment of morning fucking, already thinking about the moment when Pete will come back near me.


- Daddy...aaaanh...aaaanh...

Today is Sunday and it's my last day with Kinn before meeting him again next week. So we took the opportunity to have some sex since early this morning. Kinn is in great shape, not hesitating to push me to my limits, to the point of making me cry out in pain.

Fortunately, he takes the time to listen to me and slow down and stop for a few moments so I can breathe.

Hearing that I have been squealing for a few moments, that I am having difficulty keeping up with his rhythm, he stops. I am astride him, hands and feet chained, at my request.

Exhausted, I rest my head on his shoulder.

- aaaah...Daddy...

Kinn grabs my neck to look at my state and gently asks:

- Are you doing well ?

- Yes, I...I'm just resting a little, Daddy, then we can start again!

Kinn kisses me on the mouth and moves me onto the bed. I end up lying on my back.

- You'll sleep better, baby.

Kinn takes the time to undo my ankle chains and hand me a glass of water. I stand up to the height needed to drink. We have been awake since four o'clock this morning. It's almost 11 o'clock.

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