Chapter 93: The Final Rifts

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As the days pass, I feel my body recovering little by little. Every morning, I wake up with a little less pain, my movements become easier, more fluid. The stabbing pain in my ribs gradually fades, replaced by a slight discomfort, a constant but increasingly distant reminder of what I endured.

The main house infirmary became a sort of refuge for me. The nurses and doctors there are caring and attentive, constantly watching over my well-being. Their presence, although professional, is comforting.

Kinn is often by my side. He ended up returning to work but he visits me often, not hesitating to work from his computer, addicted to the armchair in my room. His presence is both reassuring and stimulating. He watches over me, encouraging me to take care of myself and follow doctors' advice.

Sometimes he remains silent, lost in thought, but I feel that he is there for me, that his support is unwavering. Our conversations are often short, but they are marked with sincerity and tenderness.

Meals become moments of comfort. Although my appetite is still weak, each bite is a step towards recovery. The dishes are simple but nutritious, prepared with care to help me regain my strength. Hours pass between rehabilitation sessions, rest periods and visits from Kinn.

I take the time to think about everything that happened. Moments of terror, unbearable pain, but also moments of clarity and determination. I realize that this ordeal has changed me, made me more resilient. I have a new appreciation for life, a renewed desire to protect those I love.

Every day I strive to walk a little further, to move a little more freely. The doctors are optimistic, reassuring me that I will return to full health in time. Their encouragement gives me the strength to continue, not to give up.

There are moments when anxiety takes hold of me, when memories of what we experienced overwhelm me. But in these moments, I remember that I am alive, that we survived. I think about Kinn, about our future together, and that helps me hold on.

The general situation of the main family still remains uncertain. The tensions are palpable, with each member of the family seeming to walk on eggshells. Gun's shenanigans, his secretive behavior, left me stunned. How could he have played with our trust like this, especially in such a critical period? This betrayal enrages me and leaves me perplexed as to his true intentions.

He hid Macau in Canada and Vegas in a place we don't know. I worry about the safety of Vegas, knowing full well that Boss Gun is violent. I had theorized that Boss Gun is hiding in the same place where he hid Vegas. Boss Korn is investigating his contacts, wanting to know if Boss Gun purchased property without telling us.

I sigh as I pour myself a glass of water. Macau's return to the main house is another source of internal conflict. This monster, the one who raped my brother, is among us again. Hate and resentment boil within me with every thought of him.

I can't stand seeing him here, near Chay.

Kim assured me that he was making sure Macau didn't come near Chay. In fact he doesn't even

need to do it since apparently Macau doesn't seem to want to provoke anything. He remains alone in his corner, in the company of Ken, his appointed bodyguard but who apparently shares a certain interest in him.

It's quite surprising on Ken's part but why not...Macau is a good-looking guy without having good control over his sexual urges. As long as everyone can move on, I'm fine, even if I keep my thoughts to myself, burying my anger and resentment deep within my being.

I don't want to hurt Chay, who is in the process of rebuilding. He has suffered enough, and I refuse to add to his pain. Every day, I see the efforts he makes to find a certain normality, to rebuild himself despite the visible and invisible scars left by Macau.

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