Chapter 97 : Korn the investigator, Gun the tracker, VegasPete the tracked

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A few hours after leaving the main house, we finally arrive in Phongsaly Province, Laos. The private jet ride was uneventful, thanks to the air force escort, and we are now close to what may be one of the Tiger's Eye's hideouts.

As we approach the secret house, I sense a growing tension among my men. The building is in ruins, still smoking, the obvious result of a desperate attempt to erase evidence. I take a moment to assess the scene before giving orders. Chan is at my side, his face impassive but his eyes betray increased vigilance.

-We need to move quickly and methodically. Take DNA samples wherever you can. We need to know if Pete was held here.

The forensic scientists immediately get to work, setting up their sampling equipment. They have gathered around a pile of burned corpses that cannot be recognized without going through the scientific route. They start collecting blood, hair, and other biological samples.

Meanwhile, a few of my bodyguards are inspecting each room in the house. I walk around the place, observing the signs of violence and chaos. In the garden, there is a garage, some kind of room that has been converted into a BDSM torture chamber.

Tiger's Eye must have been a real psycho to have a BDSM torture chamber here. He must have tortured people here... maybe Pete?

The walls bear the marks of intense struggles, and the floor is stained with dried blood. I can't help but think about what Pete must have endured here, if he even came here.I ask the scientists to take a DNA sample here to send it to the labs in Thailand.

I pray that it is not Pete's blood. I start to imagine the worst horrors, anger rising in me, but I contain it. We must remain focused to find tangible evidence. Kim and Tankhun are also present, silent but observant. They understand the importance of this operation and know that every detail counts. We must uncover the truth and put an end to this terror that the Tiger's Eye is causing.

-Chan, make sure that all the data collected is immediately transmitted to our laboratories in Thailand. We cannot waste any time.

Chan nods and begins to coordinate the transmission of the samples. My mind is occupied by incessant thoughts of Pete.

- If the Tiger's Eye burned all its allies and left in a hurry, it is because it had Pete with it. The question is: Where are they now?

We continue our inspection.

- We have never been this close to the truth and we will not leave this place without having done everything in our power to achieve it. Let's investigate properly...

I'm taking the lead to go to the scientists and find out what information they've gathered and it's already the jackpot.

- Sir, according to our analysis, Tiger's Eye left 5 of his allies alive, including one who fled in a hurry by car. We found tire tracks from two different vehicles. It seems that the first car left with the person fleeing, while the second car transported Tiger's Eye and the four other people. They are probably chasing the traitor who understood that everything was over for them.

- We think Pete was here. Is there any way to prove that he was in that car?

As expected, the scientist shakes his head.

- We have to wait for the results from the labs in Thailand. It will take several hours but don't worry... Have you sent patrols in the area in the hope of finding Pete?

- It's done, yes. We are staying vigilant. Our sentries have spotted strange units heading towards the south of Laos. They are armed and as if they were hunting someone... They are probably...

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