Chapter 14 Threat and repercussion

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Korn Point of View

It is 3 p.m. sharp when the door to my office opens gently. I look up from reading a boring report on what Kinn has been up to this month and meet my bodyguard Chan's gaze. He has worked for me for many years and has always been very loyal to me. He is straight and unyielding, everything I look for in a leader. He manages all the bodyguards in my house, in support with Porsche.

He's not the type to get attached to anyone even though at the moment he's very close to Big, one of the main family's most important bodyguards. I don't really approve of relationships between subordinates and superiors because they can be an obstacle to work. I told him several times not to venture into this terrain but he does not listen to me. For now, I let him, as long as it doesn't fail his job of keeping me alive and taking care of my family.

Chan bows as soon as he's in the center of my desk, my brother Gun hot on his heels. I sit up slightly in my seat and say:

- Gun...take a seat! Want a drink?

Gun sits on one of the seats opposite me and replies:

- Of course, I wouldn't say no to a good glass of alcohol.

I motion for Chan to serve my brother. He runs without discussing. I refocus on my brother while my bodyguard prepares what has been asked of him.

- So, big brother, why bring me here?

- I have to talk to you about something that seems serious and unforgivable. It's about Vegas and Macau. I'm going to ask you a simple question and I want you to answer me honestly, okay?

Gun turns pale and adopts a confused facial expression.

- What do you want to tell me? Why the subject is Vegas and Macau, they did something wrong? (His gaze becomes harder and colder. That glint in his eyes is so familiar to me that I shudder with amazement. Dad had the same look when he got angry. I still keep my composure.) And what the hell? you qualify as serious and unforgivable?

Chan remains indifferent to the conversation, preferring to simply put the glass of alcohol in front of my brother, bow and walk out of my office, presumably to go about his usual business. I do not take my eyes off my brother, telling him directly and without any detour:

- You beat Vegas and Macau?

Gun automatically stiffens and his gaze shifts to a sense of fear. However, he does not let himself 

be dismantled:

- What I do at home is none of your business.- Vegas and Macau are my newcomers. They are from my family. So I have the right to ask you why Vegas was so uncomfortable in your presence and stressed about managing a simple meeting and also why Macao was not present. ..You hit him before you came to the meeting past, huh?

Gun remains silent, visibly hesitating to answer. I know exactly what that means:

- I just see huh?

- Who do you think I am ? Vegas looked bad when he last came? I do not think so, no! You didn't see any marks of violence on his face and body, did you? If so, prove that it was I who gave them to him! As for Macau...he didn't come because he didn't feel well. I was in a bad mood that he didn't come, that's why I was very irritated and had to leave the meeting. And then, for your information...Vegas and Macau are my children. They belong to me. What I do with it is none of your business!

I reply dryly:

- Vegas and Macau are not yours! They are free and have rights! You don't have to decide for them! They are responsible for their existence and have no...

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