Chapter 1: Kageyama Kazuma

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A/N: Okay so I've been reading a few stories on Wattpad since a while, and recently, I decided to create an OC of my own. But still, it's my first try, so bear with me please ⊙﹏⊙

"Alright I'll be going now"

Kageyama Kazuma, a 16 year old boy said his goodbye to his mom as he left his house to go to his school, he walked to the Hosu city bus station, once the bus was there, he got in the bus and took a seat. There were a few stares at the young boy, but that was probably because of his eye-catching looks, or because of the fact that he was wearing an eye patch which covered his left eye. Thus, Kazuma just shrugged it off. Once he reached his stop, he got out of the bus, ruffled through his hair, which was white with a few black stands visible, he put the earphones in his ears as he started walking towards his school which was visible from the stop itself.

He stopped at a red signal and waited for the signal to change. Suddenly, a girl came running towards the road, chasing her rubber ball, which was tumbling down the hill and stopped rolling at the middle of the road, the girl went to get her toy, not noticing the signal, when a car came speeding towards the little girl, the car almost hit the girl when her shadow elongated, and joined to that of a young boy, which made her being pulled out of the road.

"Watch where you're going idiot" the driver shouted as he sped off.

The girl looked up to see a boy with white hair, and an eye patch, looking at her, who was in his lap. Seeing his face and the fact that she was in the boy's lap made the girl blush, as she jumped out of his lap, and stood up.
"Are you okay?" Kazuma asked the girl.

Still blushing, the girl replied "Y-Yes, thank you Stranger-nii" and she sped off.

This made a smile to be put up on the boy's face as he watched the girl run away.
"Well, I guess I'll is going too then"


"Uh oh, he's here"
"Nee-san, why is everyone ignoring that guy?"
"Yeah... stay away from him, Kay? He's a ______"
Kazuma scoffed at their comments, and kept going towards his classroom.
No, not them, not again.
A few moments later, a bleeding Kazuma took his bag, and started stuffing his books back in. He picked up the eye patch and wore it once again, and started heading towards the infirmary.


"I'm sorry, Kazuma-san, but we don't treat such small scraps and wounds"
Atleast try making an excuse
Kazuma headed to the gents washroom, he took out the handy first aid kit from his bag, which he purchased earlier that day, since he knew something like this might happen. He cleaned up his wounds, applied some antiseptic to the cuts, which stung a little, but he endured it.


The doors of the classroom slid open as Kazuma entered the class
"Kazuma, you're late again, and what's with those bandages? Don't tell me you slipped on the way again."
"Sorry Ms. Yumi, I promise I'll be on the lookout from now."
"Not that I care anyways." The young teacher said under her breath as Kazuma made his way to his desk, only to be greeted by graffiti on his desk.

_______ in training
Kazuma sighed as he put his bag on the desk and started looking outside.

Once again the chatter began through the class.
"So, he's come once again, huh?"
"Why does he bother coming anyways?"
"Yeah, the further he stays from us, the better."
"I heard he's applying for the UA."
"UA? Are you serious?"
"Yeah, but it's not like he's gonna be accepted anyways, UA's a tough high school to get in, and he can't even pass the exams properly."
"Using your quirk to cheat In exams, how low can you go?"

For a guy his age, Kazuma was rather smart, but for some reason, he never scored above average in any exam since a couple of years, when he asked the teachers as of why they put the right answer as wrong, they'd simply accuse him of cheating by using his "Villainous" quirk to get the answers, so at one point, Kazuma just gave up on getting good marks.

"But still, UA is a high school for heroes, so there's chance that a guy like him would get accepted anyway."
"Yeah, after all, he is ______"
"A Villain"

The teacher shouted as to make the class quite down using her quirk, supersonic voice, an inferior version of the quirk of the Pro Hero: Present Mic.


"I'm home."

Kazuma made his way inside the house, on hearing no sound from the house, he quietly took off his shoes, and went to his mom's room to find her praying to his late father's shrine, the Pro Hero Tele-Kinectic, or as he knew, Ryomen Kazuma.

When the lady noticed her son looking at her, she got up, prayed one more time to her husband, wiping her tears, she went and looked at her son.

" You're home? Well, go get changed and I'll put up dinner."

Kageyama turned around, only to be stopped by his mother's firm hand.
"Honeypie, did you fall again?"
"Sorry Ma, there was a banana peel on the road."
His mother sighed.
"Come here, show me your hand"
Kageyama did so, and his mom grabbed his arm, and closed her eyes, soon, a blue slimy substance covered Kazuma's arms, and as it got dissolved in Kazuma's skin, his wounds and scraps were gone as well.

"Thanks Ma"

Kazuma started making his way to his room when his mom spoke up.
"Honeypie, you don't have to lie to me, you know? Every single day, you're starting to look more and more like Ryomen, and I just want what's best for you."
This made the boy stop in his path.

"I'll be down in a minute" Kazuma started walking once again as his mom looked at her little boy with concern
Kazuma entered his room as he started changing.

"I'll become a hero, no matter what" Kazuma thought as he slipped an All Might t shirt and blue jeans, he wore his black jacket and started making his way to the kitchen.
"I'll be accepted in the UA and prove it."

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now