Chapter 6: Battle Trials Aftermath

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Kazuma woke up in a room, lying on what seemed like a hospital bed, he sat back up and looked around. He was in Recovery Girl's office.

So it happened again, huh?

He moved his hand towards his right eye to feel the eye patch still there. He was relieved.

"I was in the battle trails against Todoroki and Shoji, we won and I was going to get help for..."


He looked around, only to be smacked in the head with a cane.

"Ow, what was that for?" Kazuma said as he saw Recovery girl appear from behind him.

"It was because you just got up, and you're starting to move vigorously, your injuries were not too much, but you did suffer a major concussion.

If you're wondering about the girl, she's on the bed beside you, she has a high fever, but I gave her the medicine and she'll be as good as ever by the morning."

Kazuma looked around to see Hagakure lying on the bed beside him. He also noticed a certain green boy lying beside her in a third bed.

"What the hell happened to Midoriya?"

"Ah, Young Kazuma, I'm glad to see you're okay." Kazuma could have sworn that he didn't see the blonde skeleton man sitting beside Midoriya.

"Battle Trials, just like you, but he went a little too overboard and ended up cracking his ribs and plastering his arm, but nothing this lady can't fix."

Kazuma smiled at the old lady's response as he once again looked at Toru, who was breathing heavy.

Recovery Girl smiled at seeing the concern on the boy's face.

"Don't worry about it, she'll be just fine. It was good that you gave her the cloak, or the poor thing would most likely be out till tomorrow evening."

"Now c'mon you're all good now, get out of here now, we don't wanna make any noise that will disturb any of those two" Recovery Girl started pushing Kazuma out of the office.

Kazuma left the office, just to be swarmed around by his classmates.

"Are you okay?"

"You just collapsed all of a sudden, we were all worried about you when we saw that."

"Yeah, like what was that?"

"You've been in there for hours bro."

"But your fight was amazing"

"Yeah, your comeback, the dialogue, everything was manly as hell"

"It was indeed marvellous mon amie"

"Your quick thinking about your quirk really left us all speechless, kero."

Kazuma was still new to being surrounded by people, so he started stuttering one again as he started rubbing the back of his head.

"Th-Thanks guys, but it was j-just a result of using my quirk like that."

Among the talks, he heard a concern filled voice as he looked to see that Uraraka was the one speaking.

"Are Toru-chan and Deku-kun okay?"

Kazuma smiled at her concern.

"They're both okay, don't worry about it, Hagakure-san has a fever, which will be gone by the morning, and Izuku might be able to wake in a few hours. Speaking of which, what the hell happened to him anyways?"

The class held their heads down as the redhead, Kirishima started speaking.

"It was Bakugo, the battle trial was brutal to see as Bakugo was hitting Izuku as if he was TRYING to get him injured."

"Bakugo, huh?"

Kazuma knew that Bakugo was always pissed at Izuku for some reason, but this was a little too far.


A few hours later, the group made its was to Recovery Girl's office as they heard that Midoriya had woken up, similar to Kazuma, Izuku was surrounded by people, but Izuku kept asking where was 'Kacchan'?

At this, Kaminari spoke up "Oh, if you're talking about Bakugo, he left not many minutes later, although I think he might still be in the halls, I recommend you staying away from him for some time."

But Izuku still ran off to find Bakugo, Kazuma was unable to understand why is running after the guy who put you on the hospital bed the first thing is Izuku does after getting up.

A while later, they saw the two boys meet each other on the ground. They just stood there, but it seemed like they were talking to each other.

"What could they be talking about?"

"A fated battle between two men." Uraraka exclaimed, which earned her a short giggle from some of her classmates.

Suddenly, All Might came behind Bakugo and started saying something while keeping his hands on Bakugo's shoulders.

Bakugo shrugged All Might's hands off of him and turned around to say something and went away. Once he was gone, All Might and Izuku seemed to be talking about something, of which none of the students had idea that what it could be.

What is the relation between Izuku and Bakugo?

What were Izuku and All Might talking about?

These were some questions that Kazuma wanted the answers to, but couldn't get.

With this, the day came to an end.

A/N: This chapter was a bit short, merely 850-900 words, that's cuz this stoopid writer couldn't think of anything else to add (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ

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