Chapter 38: Aftermath

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*slight gore in the beginning of the chapter*

After All Might and All for One’s fight, Kageyama was immediately taken to the nearest hospital and had to undergo surgery, which, UA agreed to pay for. The attack had ripped through his skin, and torn his muscles, leaving a huge gaping hole in his arms and had gone all the way to his bones, which were also cracked. The sight was so gruesome that a nurse had to puke on seeing the condition of the boy. Luckily, along with advanced cell regeneration surgery and Recovery Girl insisting on healing the boy’s wounds, or atleast do as much healing she could do for the boy, the hole was filled up, but had left a massive scar. The stab from the villain luckily missed his organs, or it would have been immensely worse than that.

Apparently, Toru had ran off from the camp after Kageyama had dropped her off there, because when she heard that one of their classmates was one of the targets, she knew that her boyfriend would go to save him. She fought off some villains along with Jirou, who she met along the way, but unfortunately, both got caught up in the villain’s gas attack and had to be hospitalized.
When she heard of Kageyama’s state, her heart sank as it was a lot to take in. She was discharged from the hospital a few days after the attack, but it was one day after the fight between All Might and All for One happened. So the first thing she heard was how bravely a boy stood up to protect the number one hero.

She’d go to see Kageyama, but every single time, she’d come up against the same thing. The boy’s head and torso wrapped up in bandages, and his arms covered in casts. She’d stay by his side, for as long as she could, often, she’d break down and beg the boy to wake up, but to no avail. The news, wherever you’d go, the whole country was filled with talks about the fight and Kageyama’s brave display. There was only one person who could somewhat comfort her, her homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa.

After 2 weeks, Kazuma was lying on the bed, when his eye started twitching. He then opens his eye to see Aizawa sitting on a chair, looking outside the window.

Kazuma: Ai.. zawa… sensei..?

Hearing the feeble voice, Aizawa quickly turns around to see the boy sitting in his bed, looking straight at him. He walks over to the boy, as a tear drops from the man’s dry eyes.

Aizawa: Ahh, you’re finally awake!

Kazuma: Did I try to cross the border too?

Aizawa: *sigh* Yepp, you’re definitely awake.

Kazuma: What happened?

Aizawa: You were out like a light for 2 weeks, you barged in to help All Might, but what did it cost you, huh? You barged into the fight, that was extremely reckless of you. You never follow my words, always acting irrationally. That’s why, after all this…

Kazuma closes his eyes as he gets ready for a smack on his head, but the smack never comes, instead, he was surprised when the man hugged him as he puts his hand on the boy’s head.

Aizawa: I’m glad you’re okay now…

Kazuma allows a small smile to appear on his face, but then he quickly looks at Aizawa.

Kazuma: Wait. The fight. Now I remember. I passed out when All for One threw me in the rubble. All Might. Is he okay? Did he defeat All for One? What happened? Did Bakugo and the others escape? What about the students who got injured at the camp? Are they okay?

Aizawa stares at the boy, and then sighs as he gets up.

Aizawa: Good Grief. Even though you’re here, in a hospital, covered in bandages and whatnot, you still worry about others. What in the hell are we gonna do to you?

Aizawa looks at the boy, and sees that the boy was serious as his eyes were locked on the man.

Aizawa: Well, the fight between All Might and All for One ended, All Might defeated the villain and he is locked up in Tartarus. However, the fight took everything out of All Might, and as a result, the man had no choice but to retire from hero work.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now