Chapter 10: The Big Leagues

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-One day after Kazuma being sent on rest-

Hagakure was still not over his classmate's terrified face when he woke up. She didn't talk much, neither did she eat a lot, which concerned her friends.
"Toru-chan, let's go, let's get something to eat. I heard they have Sushi today." Uraraka tried cheering her friend up, who just looked away and kept staring at the bench beside her. She put her head between her arms and started tearing up.
"I couldn't help, Uraraka-san, I couldn't help him cheer up at all. I'm a pathetic friend."
Uraraka bent on her knees and hugged her friend.
"You're not pathetic at all, Toru-chan, you're an amazing friend, you stayed beside him even when recovery girl told us that he'd be out cold for about a day. You stayed beside him when he was telling the story, I'm sure Kazuma-san also thinks of you as an amazing friend. Never call yourself pathetic, okay?"
"But, but I couldn't help him at all, he looked so gloomy and sad, and I couldn't do anything to make him smile."
By this time, she had a hand on her head.
"Don't blame yourself for it. You did all you could, as Uraraka just said, you stayed by his side when the others didn't, he's gonna be okay, believe me, seeing that kid, I KNOW he will be."
"Now go and eat something, you're only hurting yourself if you don't eat. And you don't want that with the sports festival right around the corner.
Now go before I make the girls pick you up and take you all the way to the cafeteria and feed you by hand."
Toru wiped her tears, and got up.
"Yes sensei, thank you."
"Anytime kid."
-One day later-
Kazuma was standing in front of the UA gate.
"Tenko-n... no, Shigaraki, I don't know what happened to you. But I'm not letting you interfere in my way of becoming a hero."
Kazuma started walking towards the building. He opened the door of the class to see everyone's faces lot up with happiness when they saw him.
"Yeah, I'm back guys. Been a while, huh?"
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, as it turns out, I just needed long hours of sleep and Katsudon.
Although I do admit that Ma went a little overboard by making Katsudon for 3 days straight."
"We were all worried about you, especially Hagakure-chan, she didn't eat anything, and neither did she talk to anyone a lot. She even called herself a bad friend for not being able to help you in the time of need."
Kazuma made his way over to Toru's desk.
"You're a great friend. Never think otherwise."
This made the girl gasp.
"How did you..?"
"It doesn't matter, what matters, is that you must know that you are one of the greatest people I've met, and will probably meet. You're funny, kind sweet, and caring, so what makes you think that you're not a good friend?"
"It's just, you seemed so out of life, and I wanted to help you, I wanted to make you smile, I wanted to make you laugh, but I couldn't even do that."
"It wasn't your fault though. Yeah, I didn't smile or laugh, but you don't have to blame yourself for it, you did the best you could, and that is more than enough for me."
"Now come on, let's train. We've got a festival to win, right?"
"Yeah, about that..."
Kazuma looked at Hagakure as she looked away
"I don't think that a girl whose quirk is being invisible will be able to attract many people. And added to that, I'm not that strong either."
"Hagakure-san, I just said that we are going to train. And about not being able to attract people, you can do that too. You can do anything you set your mind to, okay? It is as they say, motivation gets you started, but focus and determination keeps you going. You just have to train an itty bit more than others, but I can already tell that you'll do just fine."
"You always seem to know what to say, don't you?"
"Well, call it a friend's intuition."
Unknown to them, a certain yellow caterpillar was listening to the whole conversation, smiling.
"Alright, sports festival, a chance to prove my worth."
"I'm gonna do my best and get internship at an amazing academy."
-Sports Festival in two weeks-
Class 1A was sitting in the class when a crowd gathered outside their doors.
"Oh look, it's the famous class 1A."
"Yeah, the students who are getting all popularity just because they got attacked by some villains."
"They're going to be the center of attention during the festival, man, even looking at them makes me wanna beat the crap out of these guys."
Kazuma slammed his hands as he got up and walked to the door where Bakugo was already standing and stared at the crowd.
"Scouting out the competition, nice strategy you people got there, but keep in mind that we are here because of the same reason as everyone of you, yeah we fought some villains, so if you think that makes us the center of attention during the festival, yeah, ok it probably will. So what?
If you were serious about giving your best shot at the festival, you'd all be training right now, but you put your ego in priority rather than your determination and hard work.
Now move, or you will be moved... Extras." Kazuma said smiling at the faces of the students.
Kazuma looked at a boy with blond hair staring at him with a weird smile on his face.
"Added to that, when you people were panicking, OUR class was mature enough to calm the people down. Looking at you, I can already tell that you were probably squirming and crying for your momma during the infiltration.
Am wrong... Blondie?"
Kazuma stared at the boy with a sinister smile on his face.
One could just feel the intimidating feeling coming from Kazuma. Bakugo stared at Kazuma before letting out a snicker.
"I came to see what the infamous Class 1A was like, but it seems like it's filled with idiots like you two."
A purple haired boy came out of the crowd, staring at the two boys.
"Oh? Look at that, it's Aizawa Jr. Buddy, you sure you okay? Sleepy much? You should probably go back to your room and get some sleep, you know? Do you have trouble sleeping? Or do you not want to sleep? Taking in mind that you're a teenager who probably doesn't sleep, I can only guess what you do during those nights wide awake. So keep your eyes off of any of the female students here, got it Insomnia?"
This earned Kazuma a scoff from the purple haired boy.
"I don't know your name, but you have a problematic attitude, which isn't fit for a hero. Speaking of which, I think you should know that if the students at the General Ed perform well enough in the festival, they can be transferred to Hero Course and if any of you under performs, they might be transferred to General Ed. So you better look out or someone else might take your place in the Hero Course."
The purple haired boy responded to Kazuma. This made Kazuma smile.
"I guess you are right, if you do make it in the Hero Course, we'll gladly welcome you to the class."
A serious face took over Kazuma's face.
"But know this, if you try to badmouth any of my classmates, and mark my words...
I'll make you regret it."
Kazuma stared at the eyes of the purple haired boy.
"Hey, did you know Kazuma-san could be intimidating, I mean I understand Bakugo being intimidating, but Kazuma-san? Not at all."
Ochaco whispered to Izuku as Izuku just shrugged.
"Now move, as our class wishes to train before the festival unlike you people who are wasting their time messing around.
I said... MOVE!"
The crowd started moving as there was a path out of the crowd for Kazuma and his class to walk out of.
"Come on guys, we're going to train."
Kazuma started walking through the crowd with Bakugo in front of him and the class following him one by one as they went to train.
Class 1 A then made their way to the school gym as Kazuma grabbed a sandbag and hung it before unloading huge blows on the bag.
The class stared at him speechlessly, as Kazuma kept training as if what just had happened, was normal.
A while later, Kazuma put down the dumbbells as he took a towel to wipe off his sweat. His gym shirt was now drenched in his sweat, making his toned body to get highlighted on the shirt. He then turned around to see Mina, Toru, Ochaco and Jiro stare at him with a little blood coming from their noses.
The girls flinched as they started looking around, as Mina walked beside Toru and whispered.
This made the girl go red as she started shifting her eyes between Kazuma and Ashido.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now