chapter 66: The Final Boss Approaches

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Kazuma and Edgeshot were in their battle stances, ready to engage in battle with Shinokawa.

Kazuma: Shadow Swipe.

Shinokawa: *sigh* Fine, we’ll do it the hard way. But you know… you forgot about my apprentice, Yōgan.

Kazuma’s eyes widen as he instinctively pushes Edgeshot away, as a wall comes out of the ground where Edgeshot was standing.

Edgeshot: What the..? *on comms* Order, can you hear me?

Kazuma: *on comms* Yeah. Sorry for pushing you without any indication.

Edgeshot: *on comms* Be on your guard kid, there’s possibly someone else here as well.

Shinokawa: I’m afraid that’s where you're wrong, Edgeshot. You see, Yōgan’s quirk lets him manipulate lava, but look closer at the wall for me, will you?

Edgeshot hesitatingly complies, as he realizes what happened, and so does Kazuma.

Edgeshot: This is…

Kazuma: … lava rock!

Shinokawa: Hmm. You two sure know your stuff well, but that doesn't matter, Yōgan. Go ahead.

Another wall of lava rock emerges at a distance on both sides, trapping Edgeshot with Shinokawa, and Kazuma… alone?

Kazuma: Hey, come on! Where’s my opponent?

Shinokawa: Shortly before your arrival, I had Yōgan take a heavy dose of trigger, and I believe you know what it does..?

Edgeshot: Order! Be careful! Yōgan might be on your side, and he’s drugged!

Kazuma: Okay.

On Kazuma’s side, a wall starts to melt as Yōgan steps out, with the eyes of a man who kills for fun.

Yōgan: Kill! KILL! I’LL KILL YOU!!!

Kazuma instantly jumps out of the way, as a stream of lava melts the area where he was standing.

Kazuma: Alright. *cracks neck and knuckles* Let’s do this shit.


Meanwhile, with Edgeshot and Shinokawa

Edgeshot: Where is she?

Shinokawa: Hmm? Who?

Edgeshot: You know very well who I’m talking about! The girl with you, where is she?

Shinokawa: Oh, her..? Why? You gonna save her? Be her little ‘hero’? I can’t let you take her. Her quirk, even though not yet manifested, will be a huge help for my, no, OUR cause.

Edgeshot instantly turns into a thread, as he gets behind Shinokawa, and kicks him in the head.

Edgeshot: I’ve been observing you, you scoundrel. Your quirk. It allows you to copy the quirk of any person you see. But you can only copy one quirk at a time, can’t you? That's why you have to move your gaze to another person if you wish to copy their quirk. But you just made the tables turn on you. Now, you can't copy any quirk except mine, and I know my quirk in and out.

Shinokawa: *rubbing his head* Ow. That was a nice kick. And you're about only 50% of my quirk.

His glove falls down, melted.

Edgeshot: What the?!

Shinokawa: Well, not that it matters, but I'll enlighten you. My quirk, Mirror, allows me to copy any quirk that comes under my sight, yes, but that's not all it can do. I can also know the person’s strengths, weaknesses, fighting styles, and their counters. I can even use their quirks to the fullest without any sort of drawbacks! You see what I’m doing? I'm boasting! I'm boasting in front of you, Hero! Even if you go all out, it’s a loss for you, because eventually, you’ll tire out, while I will be throwing you around like a ragdoll!

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