Chapter 83: One for All

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All Might: It’s fine!

We see All Might standing in front of Kazuma in his Young Age costume, standing in front of Kazuma, his iconic smile on display, but his eyes weren’t black. Instead, his eyes were clearer than they had ever been. Almost as if… he was in his prime again.

 Almost as if… he was in his prime again

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Kazuma: *weakly* A-All M-Might…?


All Might picks the injured boy in his arms and jumps away from the villains. A while later, he puts the boy down as medics rush to him.

Medic #1: We need healers here, now!

Kazuma: Wait… All Might… you… you don't… One for All…

All Might: Young Kazuma. You need to relax for now. I'll explain everything.

-About half an hour earlier-

Teacher’s Lounge, UA

To say All Might was stressed would be an understatement. The man was pacing around the room, his chin resting upon his hand as he tried to process what had just happened.

Not many minutes ago, news had reached the people at UA that Tartarus was broken into by a bunch of High-End Nomus. This had led to almost every prisoner breaking out.

As if that wasn't enough, there were reports of murder among the prisoners themselves. This could mean but one thing.

All for One had escaped Tartarus.

Izuku already had his hands full with TomurAFO, but now this. All Might, no, Toshinori wanted to jump into the battle and help out as much as he could, but he couldn't. One for All didn't dwell inside him anymore.

Eri and Aoi had stopped playing and both were looking at the skeletal man walking around the room.

They were kids, not idiots. The girls had a basic idea of what was going on. Aoi’s dad and Mr. Aizawa had dropped the two girls here, saying that they had work to do.

Seeing the man who would give the girls all the candy they wanted once they said the word “Please”, in such a manner made it pretty clear that things weren’t looking good for the heroes. This meant, things weren’t looking good for Kazuma as well.

The two girls exchange a look and give each other a determined nod, almost as if they knew what the other was thinking. The two girls walked up to Toshinori.

Eri: Umm… Mister All Might?

The man looks down and realizes that he was filling the room with a tense aura, as he quickly acts as if nothing’s going on.

All Might: O-Oh. Sorry about that. I’m fine. You two can go play now.

Aoi: *stern* All Might.

This actually made the man flinch slightly. The girl was merely 7, and yet, her voice had the gained the same sternity as Edgeshot’s.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now