Chapter 73: The end of the beginning, and the beginning of the end

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After a while once Kazuma and Fuyumi were done talking, Endeavor told them that it was time for the guests to go back to UA.


Izuku: *bowing* Thank you for the meal! It was very delicious!

Bakugo: Teach me the Sichuan mapo tofu recipe!

Fuyumi: Sure!

Shoto: I'll have her text it to me.

Kazuma: Fuyumi... I-

Before the boy could say anything, Fuyumi hugs the boy, who was taller than her.

Fuyumi: *whisper* Thank you...

Kazuma smiles as he returns the hug.

Izuku: If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you two are sibilings too, you've even got the white hair with strands of a different color to show.

Fuyumi and Kazuma giggle, as he says his final goodbye to Fuyumi.


The group of the four high-schoolers, Endeavor and his driver were going to UA, as Bakugo starts shouting about having not enough space, to which, the driver shouts back at Bakugo, making Kazuma snort, when suddenly, a person wrapped in white bandage-looking stuff is thrown towards the car but is then soared high in the air. It was Natsuo.

Kazuma: The white lines on the road!

???: Nice house you live in, Endeavor!

The driver tries to avoid hitting the mysterious man, as Endeavor jumps out of the car, charging at the villain.

???: Do you... Do you remember me Endeavor?!

He had Natsuo wrapped in the white lines on the road, which he could peel off the road and use them as tendrils.

Endeavor: Seven years ago, I stopped you from going on a rampage. You went by a villain name. It was-

???: Yes! That's right! Wow, you remember! I'm so happy!

The man literally starts to... cry?

Ending: That's right, it's me! Ending!

Endeavor: Let the boy go!

Endeavor's flames get bigger.

Ending: Sorry, Endeavor. But you gotta understand. You had so many things I could never get, even in a million years!

He raises Natsuo up once again.

Ending: I admired you! I have nothing to protect.

He uses a line with an arrow at the end to point it at Natsuo.

Ending: I'm willing to kill this guy! Please Endeavor! Don't mess it up this time! I want you...

A crazed look falls upon his face.

Ending: kill me! Heroes don't kill, even when things get crazy. But hey. You killed that Nomu, didn't you? I'm the same as that puppet. I could be alive or dead. It's hard to tell.

The arrow comes even closer to Natsuo's face.

Ending: So don't fret over it! Burn me to ashes with those dazzling flames!

An explosion and glass shattering can be heard from the car that was wrapped with the white lines, and Kazuma steps out of it along with his other 3 friends.

Driver: You forgot something!

He presses a button, followed by three briefcases being ejected out of the car's trunk. Kazuma and Izuku jump, catch the briefcases and throw them to their owners.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now