Chapter 47: Miyuki

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A/N: So... yeah, I'm back! Done with exams and all, so without any further ado, let's get into the chapter!


We see Miyuki grab a balloon stuck in a tree and hand it to a little girl, who thanks him and runs along to her friends. Suddenly, his phone rings as he attends the call.

Miyuki: Hello?

Kazuma: What's up! It's me!

Miyuki: Oh, hey Kazuma, so what seems to be the reason for you calling me? Because if you called me just to put me on hold for another hour, I'm getting inside UA, no matter what the security says and beat the absolute crap outta you!

Kazuma: Well, I wasn't planning to, but if you wish to do so, then I suppose security won't be a problem for you.

Miyuki: What's that supposed to mean?

Kazuma: Well, I know how you've been sleeping in parks, so I... I kinda got you an interview for a job tomorrow. 

Miyuki: ... You're serious right now?

Kazuma: Pssh, what're you talking about? I'm the most serious person you'll ever meet.

Miyuki: *deadpan* No you're not.

Kazuma: No, I'm not! But that's not the point right now.

His voice becomes somewhat soft.

Kazuma: After you told me everything about you and Mahito, and you apologized, it's been eating me up that I should help you in some sort of way. So, I talked with Aizawa-sensei and a few others, including the principal and All Might, and I'm happy to announce that the principal has accepted to have you work as an assistant for a staff member! But still, you have to prove that you're trusted and reliable, so tomorrow, you'll be working with many staff members as their temporary assistant, and they'll put their reviews about you. 

Miyuki: Kazuma, you... you didn't have to do that...

Kazuma: Bullshit! Now that's not even the best part! If you do land a job, you'll be provided with a place to live, plenty of food to eat, and you'll be paid as well! Ain't I just the sweetest? 

Miyuki: Kazuma, I... I don't know what to say...

Kazuma: Neh, don't mention it. Things like these are common for friends, aren't they?

Miyuki: Friends... Yeah... Yeah it is.

Kazuma: Well, gotta go, seems like Bakugo's finally found out that I've already beaten all his top scores on his game. I gotta see his reaction! Bbye!

-Call ended-

Miyuki: Working at UA, huh..? Well, not like I got stuff to do.


The next day came. The day Miyuki would be judged as Miyuki, not the son of Mahito Hado, not a progeny, but plain and simple Miyuki. To say that he was excited would be an understatement. He took a deep breath as he took his steps inside UA.

Miyuki: Alright, here we go!

Suddenly, Miyuki is stopped by a small rat, bear, thingy, which Kazuma had told to be the principal of UA High.

Nezu: Ah! You must be Miyuki Hado, I presume?

Miyuki: Sir, I don't wish to sound rude, but just Miyuki is fine, I have no relation to that surname anymore, neither do I want to.

Nezu: Oh, it's quite alright, I understand. Miyuki.

And thus started Miyuki's audition... 


If Miyuki could describe his audition in one word, it would be HELL!

He first had to work with Power loader as his assistant, but ended up messing up the circuits, which resulted to the whole product exploding. He then had to work in the office along with the other accountants, but messed up in the records and was instantly given a no-no, man, talk abut strict. He then had to work as an assistant for the teachers like Present Mic and Snipe, but when you put a screaming blonde cockatoo and Miyuki together, you get an extreme headache for Miyuki, as for Snipe, Miyuki had done, well, not bad, but not good either. He then had to work as an assistant nurse for Recovery Girl, but ended up giving wrong medicines to the wrong person, but other than that, he did okay-ish.

It was finally the time for assisting someone in a section Miyuki was quite skilled in. Cooking. He cooked some basic dishes for Lunch Rush, who was quite impressed by the boy's culinary skills to say the least. 

And so, his audition came to an end.


Miyuki was watching some kids play in the park, as his phone starts to ring. It was the principal of UA.

Nezu: Good evening, Mr. Miyuki.

Miyuki: Good evening sir.

Nezu: Well, the staff put in their reviews earlier today, and I am pleased to tell you that starting tomorrow, you'll be an assistant chef in UA! Lunch Rush was impressed profusely with your dish, and loved your determination. Please come to UA right away, so we can sign your contract. You'll be provided with a place to stay and will be paid accordingly as well.

Miyuki: Y-Yes sir!

A/N: Yeah... it's a shorter chapter, with about 800 words, but I wanted Miyuki to be working in UA for some future plans I have, so I came up with this. As of now, Miyuki will work as an assistant for Lunch Rush. Gonna post another chapter soon, so... yeah.

Sayonara. For now.

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