Chapter 58: Golden Tips Imperial

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The four can be seen walking in the hallways of UA, as they come across some third year students.

Extra #1: Oh, it’s Togata!

Extra #2: *looking at Eri* Oh, what’s this? Togata, is this your child?!

Mirio does nothing, but gives them a simple smile.

Extra #2: Oi! Say something! That just makes it seem true!

Extra #1: Ok, jokes aside, our class is gonna perform exceptionally well this time, you gotta come! You guys should too!

He hands some pamphlets to Izzuku and Kageyama.

Mirio: I’ll come for sure!

Kazuma: *whisper* Umm, author..?

Author: *whisper* Yeah?

Kazuma: *whisper* Why is the flyer blank?

Author: Oh, that? These guys are just a bunch of extras, so I didn’t bother giving them something important, so just act like it’s a really interesting thing.

Kazuma: *whisper* Oh, got it.

Eri: Snowy? You okay?

Kazuma: Hmm? Yeah, why?

Mirio: You were whispering to yourself…

Kazuma: Right, they don’t know.Oh, it’s nothing, I’m fine.


The four are now walking outside as they see everyone preparing for their performances and events for the festival.

Kazuma: Even though there’s two whole weeks for the festival, everyone’s quite fired up, huh?

Mirio: Everyone’s trying hard to outshine what they did last year, they’re all going “Plus Ultra!”

Kazuma goes to say something, when suddenly something that resembled a dragon head comes in front of the students, startling them, as Kazuma instantly gets in front of Eri.

Tetsutetsu: Oh, sorry! Hey, it’s Midoriya and Kazuma from class A!

Monoma proceeds to be Monoma and starts to try his best to belittle 1A as Kazuma ignores him and crouches to Eri’s level.

Kazuma: Hey, you okay?

Eri: I thought it was the person who fell from the sky.

Kazuma: The sky..? Oh, you must be talking about Ryukyu!

Monoma continues to ramble about how Kazuma was ignoring him, Kazuma pays no attention to him, until a certain phrase…

Monoma: … “Romeo and Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The return of the King.” It’s a completely original script written by us, the masterminds of class B!

Kazuma/Author: *die from laughter*

Monoma then suddenly starts his iconic laugh, as Awase, another student from class B gets ready with a bat in his hand, which Kazuma notices and intantly turns Eri around, covering her ears and Izuku covers her eyes, as a loud thud is heard, and we see Monoma on the ground.

Kazuma: Eri, please do us a favor and don’t be like that blonde boy…

Awase: Sorry about him guys, you know how he is, Kendo isn’t around to stop him, so we have to deal with this idiot.

Kazuma: But where is Kendo? Did she go to get her paycheck for babysitting Monoma?

Awase: *chuckle* Nice one, but no, she’s going to be in the beauty pageant.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now