Chapter 67: A flaming battle

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Shinokawa: I know you didn’t die already, Edgeshot, so come on out to play~

Edgeshot suddenly goes to pierce Shinokawa through his chest, but the latter BARELY dodges his attack. He then shoots a lava ball at Edgeshot, but the pro easily evades the attack.

Shinokawa: Not good. He’s faster than me. I barely missed getting myself knocked out. Heh, never thought I’d have to use that this early.

He puts his hands in his pants’ pocket.

Shinokawa: Hey, you’ve been tracking me, haven’t you? You even succeeded in stealing that tape at the deal site back a few months, so, you know what I’ve been up to, right? Right?! You know what we, what Null is doing, right?!

He pulls out a syringe, and a vial of a red substance, he attaches the vial to the syringe.

Shinokawa: Now! Experience the might, of Yuji Shinokawa, firsthand!

He injects himself with the syringe, as he collapses and starts screaming in pain.

Edgeshot: Did he inject himself with a quirk?! I'm sure the tests didn't reach this stage already, did he… inject himself with a quirk without any human trials?

Shinokawa’s screams suddenly change into a maniacal laughter, as he looks at Edgeshot, with craze in his eyes.


Kazuma: *sing-song voice* Just keep dodging, just keep dodging, just keep dodging, dodging, dodging. What do we do, we dodge, dodge, dodge.

Kazuma was currently dodging all of the attacks thrown at him by Yōgan, as the latter was starting to get pissed off.


Kazuma jumps as a spear goes and gets stuck to the place where his family jewels were supposed to be.

Kazuma: *le gasp* Not cool, man! NOT COOL!

Suddenly, a loud bang is heard.

Kazuma: What the hell?

Yōgan: Seems like sir ended up using it after all…

Kazuma: Huh? *on comms* Edgeshot, do you copy?

Edgeshot: *on comms* I’m okay kid, focus on your fight.

Kazuma instantly jumps to the left, as a lava stream grazes his right arm, making the boy wince in pain.


Back with Edgeshot and Shinokawa

Shinokawa launches a stream of lava, which surprisingly hits Edgeshot, who was in his thread form.

Edgeshot: A locating quirk, huh? This is going to be difficult…

He quickly dashes at Shinokawa, but the latter dodges it by jumping to the left and grabs Edgeshot by the thread.

Shinokawa: You know, you really shouldn’t turn into thread against me…

He then transforms his hand into lava, as it starts to melt the thread.

Shinokawa: The smaller they are, the faster they burn. Hehe.

Edgeshot is forced to return to his normal state, as he somehow extinguishes the flame, but a nasty burn is left on his leg.

Edgeshot: That really hurt. I can’t use my quirk right now. I’ll have to stick to hand-to-hand comba-

Before Edgeshot could finish his thinking, he’s met with a lava punch sent straight at his face, his mask falls off, but he once again tries to get up, and the two engage in a fist fight, punches being thrown everywhere, but Shinokawa gaining the upper hand slowly.

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