Chapter 2: Training

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"Hey, did you hear about All Might's fight yesterday?"
"Yeah, I heard that his final punch against the sludge villain changed the whole weather."
"Are you kidding? Damn, he's not the No.1 hero for nothing."
"No, but the villain had captured a guy hostage. And guess who came to help him before All Might appeared."
"A quirkless kid."
"Are you serious? A quirkless guy? Really?"
"What the hell was that guy thinking charging in like that?"
"I guess the boy captured was probably a friend of that quirkless fellow."
The usually filled with talks of "Kazuma and his villainous quirk" school was filled with the talks of a fight between All Might and a sludge villain in a nearby city. Some called the boy an idiot, while some saw his actions as heroic. Kazuma was a bit of this, and a bit of that.
"Quirkless, huh? He does sound like an idiot, but I wonder what was going through his mind at that time. I'd like to meet him sometime"
But when all was said and done, Kazuma was grateful to the story since he didn't have any "Accidental falls" that day.

Kazuma had taken a leave from the school in order to properly train with his quirk and his physical abilities. It was quite easy, since the school didn't want a villain in their school anyways. He made a schedule of a 2hour sprint of the Hosu city, then an hour of sparring in the city gym, then he'd go to a cave he found in a nearby hill, to train his quirk. But what was his quirk anyways?
He called it shadow manipulation, his quirk allowed him to control the shadow of any being/object and use it to either read the movements of the being, or move them as he wishes by controlling their shadows. Another thing he could do, was that he could detach the shadow from his surrounding things, or even his own shadow, and use it to make accessories, weapons, and other artificial things.
His quirk training will then be followed by a 1 hour sprint of the city once again. On the way, he'd meet Pro heroes, such as Manual, or Native with their teams on patrol of the area. The people from the school had also not been bothering him since a couple of days.

Kazuma was coming back from his second round of the city when he stopped to check his phone. "9:16 am, I guess I'll just rest for a while now and go back home by 10"
Kazuma put his phone back in his pocket as he started walking, the signal was green, but a car was speeding up towards the crossing with multiple cop cars behind him, probably a car chase, Kazuma didn't notice the car since he was exhausted from his training. Kazuma was about to be hit by the car when suddenly a feminine voice came from behind him "LOOK OUT". Kazuma turned around to see what the noise was about when he was pushed out of the way, hitting the back of his head on the ground.
"Ow what the- GAAAAH FLOATING CLOATHES" Kazuma shouted as he saw who pushed him.
"That's not a very nice thing to say to someone who just saved you." The girl exclaimed. This made Kazuma look at the situation, it took a little time for him to realise what had happened, but as soon as he realised, he got up and started apologizing to the girl who started giggling at Kazuma's sudden apology.
Kazuma looked at her and realised something. "Hey, I don't think that I've seen you around here before, are you new here?"
This made the girl smile and respond "No, I'm not from here, actually I came from Tokyo this morning to train. I have been since a couple of days."
Kazuma asked confused "So, do you mean to say that you run all the way from Tokyo to here every morning?"
This made the girl giggle as she said "No, dummy, I took the train."
Young love, what a beautiful thing
A lady went past the two looking at them, her words made the two feel embarrassed, a long and awkward silence took over. Kazuma decided to break the tension by small talk, but what should he say? Something like How are you? Or What are you training for?
"You look cute"
"I-I mean, the clothes, the clothes look good on you, not that I can actually see you, but I'm not saying that your quirk is bad, it's amazing, really, I was just, I-I
I'll just stop talking now."
This made the girl blush a little as she tried to form some words
"I could say the same to you, but you're just wearing a vest and track pants."
Kazuma looked at his outfit, and started to panic
"No, it's not what it looks like, I'm not some weirdo who runs around in public half-naked, I was training since I'm aiming to be enrolled in the UA, I promise I'm not a weirdo"
This made a girl giggle a little, as she said "No, it's okay, you're a little too cute to be a weirdo like that."
"Did you say something?"
"Oh, umm... wait, UA? You're aiming to be a hero? Me too, well, good luck for the exams" the girl hesitatingly said.
Honey look, a young couple. How cute.
Yeah, I remember when we were like that. Ah, to be young and in love
This made the two teenagers blush hard as Kazuma once again tried breaking the tension, but before he could say anything, the girl ran away with her hands on her face.
"But... but I didn't even get your name."
The girl was gone. Kazuma sighed, as he started walking back to his house.
"I'm home Ma" Kazuma said as he entered the house.
"Oh, come on in, wash your mouth, I'm making Katsudon"
"Katsudon? Really? Wait, what happened? What's the occasion?"
The mother couldn't help but give a smug smile
"Occasion? Well, guess who got a promotion last evening."
Kazuma almost choked on his water "WHAT??? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YESTERDAY THEN?"
At this, his mom softly replied "Well, I've is noticing how you're always exhausted since the last few months, so I decided to tell you with your favourite dish"

Finally, the chance to prove himself had now presented itself to Kageyama, that day he woke up early, and once again revised the concepts twice before going to take a shower and get ready. Once done, Kazuma made his way to the kitchen to see his mom preparing breakfast.
"Good Morning Ma"
"Morning honeypie, had a good sleep? It's the big day today after all"
Kazuma responded confidently "Yepp"
"Alright sir down, breakfast is almost ready"
Kazuma got ready and was wearing his shoes, when his mother came from behind and hugged him. This made the young boy smile
"I can't believe my honeypie is already going to the UA entrance exams, it's as if yesterday you got your quirk, I remember how you looked so happy when you came to know your quirk was a modified version of your father's. But sweetie, no matter what happens in the exams, know this. No matter the situation momma is always by you. Okay?"
Kazuma turned around to face his mom, and nodded. The people at his school hadn't been a problem since he left the school, so it was fine. He kissed his mom goodbye, wore his eye patch, and went out of the door.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now