Chapter 36: All for One vs One for All

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Behind a nearby wall, were five students of ths UA, hiding as they were shivering from fear from what from what they had just seen.

Shoto: What's with this guy?

Kirishima: He erased them all in an instant

Momo: We must run! I know this, but...

Iida: I'm so scared, my body...

Izuku: ... my body... won't move... he seemed to be using multiple quirks... don't tell me this guy... this thing... is him...




Suddenly, they hear what seemed to be a splash of water, and two familiar voices.

Bakugo: Ugh, what the crap..?

Kazuma: It's in my mouth. It's in my mouth. It's in my- wait, it's gone. *joyfully* IT'S GONE! *confused* Hold on... where... am I?

Izuku: Kacchan! Kageyama!

AfO: Sorry Bakugo, Kazuma.

Bakugo: Huh?

The two boys then see villains appear as similar splashes were heard.

Toga: What the..?

Twice: Something stinks! Smells good.

Shigaraki: Master...

AfO: You failed again, huh, Tomura? But do not be discouraged. Just try again. I have brought your associates back as well. Even the children. Because you judged that they're important pieces. Do it as many times as you need to. That's why I'm here. It's all for you.

Bakugo and Kazuma stand still as Kazuma tries summoning a gauntlet as AfO almost instantly turns around to face the boys.

AfO: I'm glad we could finally meet, Kageyama Kazuma.

Kazuma felt his throat go dry as his body was filled with pure fear as AfO kept talking.

AfO: I've been wanting to meet you since the sports festival. Tomura here wanted to kidnap you and kill you on the sight. But I disagreed to that. I told him to keep his methods a little less... violent, I want you to join the League of Villains. Your quirk is an amazing power. A few enhancers here and there, and you'll be able to stand up against, if not, WIN against even All Might. They always said that you could never become a hero, huh? Well, they never said you couldn't become a villain now, did they?

Kazuma: Enhancers..? Y-You're him. The guy All Might told us about... you're All for One. Y-you don't want me to join the league, you just want my quirk, don't you?

AfO: indeed I am All for One, and I did fancy your quirk since the festival, but as time went by, I realised that just like Best Jeanist on the ground over there, *points to Best Jeanist being ded* your quirk requires practice and practical experience too, doesn't it?

Kazuma stayed silent, he was unable to speak, as AfO looked at the sky.

AfO: You're here after all, huh?

Out of the sky, All Might came down as he hits AfO with a huge attack, but the villain stops it.

All Might: I'll have you return everything, ALL FOR ONE!

AfO: Have you come to kill me again, All Might?

The two boulders kept pushing each other as the shockwave was enough to send the two boys and the villains flying.

AfO: It's about 5 km from the bar to here. It was easily 30 seconds after I sent the Nomus before you arrived. You've gotten weaker, All Might.

All Might: And you've gotten fatter, what's with that industrial mask you're wearing?

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