Chapter 8: USJ Part 1

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Yeah, it's just, I had a lot of free time on my hand, so, I got to typing and boom, three chapters done.
So anyways, it's here boys and girls, the moment you've all been waiting for. Shiggy boy appears...


Aizawa told the class to put on their hero costumes and meet up at the grounds as they were going to check how each individual holds up in a set of different situations. The class did so, and they came up to the grounds to see that there was a bus waiting for them. Iida, being the class rep, advised the students to form a queue and came up with a seating plan, which had gone to waste since the arrangement of the seats was not like Iida had thought to be. Kazuma and Hagakure sat beside each other, still unable to speak a word to each other as they were both embarrassed because of what happened earlier that day. The trip was peaceful as Kazuma sat beside Iida, comforting his slumping friend since his plan had gone to waste. At one point, the students started to practically tease Bakugo for his behaviour.

Some time later, Aizawa informed the class that they were at their stop as the students came out of the bus to see a huge dome, the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ, for short. They made it inside the dome where Kazuma was left speechless as he saw many smaller domes, or zones, which presented the students with many situations, such as Landslide, Mountain range, ruins, heavy rainfall, etc. Kazuma was just taking it all in when his thoughts were cut off by the Rescue Hero: Thirteen. The hero welcomed the students to USJ as Aizawa questioned her about where was All Might, and she said she was resting since he had to take out some villains on his way to the UA.

Izuku and Uraraka both started fan-boying/fan-girling on Thirteen as they both went on about how she was such a great hero, and how her quirk was amazing. This made the Pro explain that her quirk was indeed a great help during rescues, but also that it was very dangerous and lethal. She was explaining how her quirk could be hazardous as well, but she was interrupted by Aizawa getting in a fighting stance, followed by Kazuma as they both looked at a certain spot. A while later, a purple mass of gas started forming in the spot, out of which, a couple of people started walking out.

This made the students get confused, as Aizawa quickly turned around and told Thirteen to take the students outside. A boy asked whether this was a part of the simulation. Aizawa put on his glasses as he started down the group of people in front of him.
"No, no they're not, these are real villains."


Kazuma felt a bone-shivering chill go down his body as a blue haired guy with what seemed to be hands all over his body came out of the portal.

Kazuma looked at his teacher, who wasn't the bored, lazy, sadistic  Aizawa-sensei he used to be, he was now the Pro Hero: Eraserhead.

Kazuma started at the blue haired boy, who seemed to be about 10-11 years older than Kazuma.
"Aizawa-sensei, I can already tell that the hand guy is the leader, and he is NOT good news."
Izuku then looked at his teacher.
"Added to that, there are too many of them and one of you, the fight will be one-sided."
To this, Eraserhead grabbed his scarf.
"Midoriya, Kazuma, you can't be a pro if you only have one trick up your sleeve."

With this, he started running towards the villains, Kazuma took a step towards the fight when someone grabbed his hand. It was Thirteen.
"I know how you feel right now, but you're underestimating your teacher here. Your first priority is escape, not fight. Now come with me."
Thirteen was looking at Kazuma, who was struggling to make a decision. Thirteen pulled his hand and started dragging him towards the exit.

"Oh, just move it already."

The class along with the hero started moving towards the exit when the purple gas appeared in front of them once again.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves, I am Kurogiri, a member of the League of Villains and the caretaker of the leader of the League, Tomura Shigaraki. We came here to kill All Might, but seems like he's not here, so I guess we will have to improvise." The purple gas said, it seemed as if the gas was a person.

Bakugo and Kirishima jumped at the villain, trying to take it down, but they passed right through the him as Kurogiri praised their quirks before going for the two students. Thirteen quickly opened one of her finger caps to suck the villain in her black hole.


But he was too late as Kurogiri had opened a warp gate in front of him and another, right behind Thirteen, thus, making Thirteen's quirk hit herself.

"Now then, where were we? Oh yeah, separating the students."

Kurogiri formed a dome, covering most of the students and teleporting them to different places.

Kazuma tried to protect other students, but got warped to Landslide zone, he sees a couple of Villains waiting for him there, forms his gauntlets and boots and starts taking out a couple of Villains at the same time as ice starts sweeping the floor, Kazuma prevents himself by standing on the head of a huge and tall villain as they all got frozen to ice.

"At least give a warning next time damnit." Kazuma turned around to see Shoto walking down towards him as he basically started scolding the villains to be careless enough to be caught by an attack from a mere teenager.
Kazuma looked at his fellow classmate in disbelief.

"Did you just... scold them for not being good villains?"
Shoto deadpanned at Kazuma.
"They had one job, Kazuma. ONE... JOB..."
Shoto started walking away as Kazuma started following him. "Hey, about the battle trials, no hard feelings, right?"
Shoto didn't completely ignore him, but answered in a scoff.

I guess he really doesn't like me, huh?
But still, sending such weak opponents, these are probably goons, and they also said that they were going to kill All Might? Looking at that Tomura guy, it seemed that he wasn't joking around. That must mean they have a way to defeat him after all. This is bad, we need to make it to the main dome fast.

Kazuma noticed that Shoto had covered his left side only during battles, he wanted to ask him about it, but decided not to since he knew he'd only get another scoff for an answer. Kazuma asked Shoto to hurry, but the boy just kept walking, so Kazuma started running ahead of Todoroki.

I have to get to everyone else. I have to.

Thus, Shoto Todoroki and Kageyama Kazuma made it out of the Landslide zone.

Kazuma made his way to the central dome as he saw a blue bird-creature standing over his severely injured teacher as Kurogiri warped beside Shigaraki, a while later, the leader of the LoV started scratching his neck as he said "It's Game Over. We're going home, but before we do that, let's take some of his pride as the No. 1 Hero." Shigaraki jumped towards the place where Izuku, Tsuyu and Hagakure were standing. Seeing this, Kazuma started running towards Shigaraki.

I won't make it in time. DAMNIT I WON'T MAKE IT IN TIME.

And he was right, the villain had his fingers on Tsuyu, but when nothing happened, he turned around to see that Eraserhead had erased his quirk.


Shigaraki went on to say that Eraserhead indeed was an amazing hero, before Izuku jumped at him yelling "SMAASH".


The bird came in between Izuku and Shigaraki and seemed to absorb Izuku's punch. Shigaraki went to attack Izuku when Kazuma launched himself at Shigaraki with all his strength.


Kazuma prepared a gauntlet punch at Shigaraki, which he effortlessly dodged.

Kazuma made his way to Izuku.
"Izuku, is your hand okay?"
"Surprisingly yes."
"What's the situation?"
"Iida has gone to bring reinforcements from the academy, Aizawa sensei is hurt bad, and the leader seems to have some sort of decaying quirk."
"I see. What about the bird?"
"Shigaraki said that the bird is bioengineered to defeat All Might in his prime, he's the one who took down Aizawa-sensei."
"We're not sure if your hands will be okay the next time you attack, so let me give you a hand."

Shadow gauntlets appeared on Izuku's wrists.

"Try limiting your quirk to a minimum, the gauntlets will handle the rest. We have to work together, we can't defeat these guys, but we can delay their attacks on anyone else until the teachers arrive."
Izuku nodded.

Shigaraki started scratching his neck a lot vigorously than before as he stared at the two Hero-in-training before him.

"Noumu, stand back, I'll deal with these brats myself."
Shigaraki charged towards the two boys as they jumped out of the way.

I won't be able to maintain the shadows on Izuku's arms for too long before my head gives up. All we can do is hope the teachers make it in time and do our best till then.

Kazuma started charging towards Shigaraki as Izuku jumped at the latter, preparing a 'Smash' of his own.
The impact was huge as huge winds blew around the area, but Shigaraki was nowhere to be seen and Izuku had broken his arm.


Izuku apologized as Shigaraki made his way behind the two. The boys once agained jumped away.
"I'm sorry for doing this Izuku, but please hold on."
Kazuma started manually controlling the gauntlets on Izuku's arms as they both started hitting the masked guy, but none of the hits made it.

Before they knew it, Shigaraki had his hands inches away from the faces of the two boys.

Shigaraki was interrupted as the doors to the dome exploded, and out of the doors came a buffed guy in what seemed like a suit.
Hopes were restored for Kazuma and his classmates. All Might had arrived at the scene, and he was not smiling.

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