Chapter 77: Father vs Son

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Endeavor: Oh, but it’s actually clearer than it ever was for me, Shoto. NOW BE A GOOD KID AND DIE!

Endeavor uses Flashfire Fist and shoots a ray of flames towards Shoto, but they’re suddenly deflected by another ray of blue flames, diverting the attack away from Shoto.

???: I really can’t believe it…

The two turn to see a man, more precisely, Dabi, with what could be assumed as a can of hair dye remover, and a tracker, which he tosses aside.

Dabi: I believed that you couldn't stoop any lower now, but you continue to surprise me, Endeavor.

Endeavor: Dabi? What the hell is a villai-

He then starts to think something.

Endeavor: Now that this guy is here, the situation is completely in my favor! He has a fire quirk, so I can say that he had used Rei and the others as leverage to hold me captive, then when Shoto came as reinforcement, he killed him. Out of rage and desperation, I killed the villain as well! In order for this plan to succeed, the first person I have to eliminate is…

He turns to hit Shoto with his flames, but has to jump back when a ray of blue flames go towards him.

Dabi: See, this is EXACTLY what I can't let you do. Call it… a brother’s intuition if you want, but I won't let you succeed in killing him, FATHER.

Endeavor: Brother? Father? The hell are you on about you damn villain?!

Dabi: *sigh* And here I thought that if a boy who barely knows me can figure this out, then obviously my own family would too. But that doesn't seem to be the situation here.

He starts pouring the liquid in the can on his hair, as the black colour of his hair starts to fade out, and is replaced by white.

Endeavor: What the hell are you saying, Dabi?!

Dabi: No-no-no-no. Stop calling me by that name, will you? After all, I have a beautiful name… Touya Todoroki!

Shoto gasps at the mention of his dead brother as Endeavor glares at Dabi, or as he called himself, Touya.

Endeavor: My son Touya died many years ago, this is a pathetic joke, he's not alive!

Touya: Oh, I'm very alive. You can run a DNA test if you’d like. What, you still don't believe me? You really think that there's a ton of fire emmition based quirks out there?

Suddenly, Shoto starts to see the similarity between the villain’s face and Touya’s.

Touya: I was gonna kill Shoto at first, you know? Watch you despair as your MASTERPIECE is killed right in front of you by your REJECT! But now… you proved that there is nothing I can do that will make you suffer, so now, I have a job. To make you pay for everything that you've done to everyone. *smirking at Shoto* and to protect my little brother from you.

A crazed look had taken place on Endeavor’s face.


Shoto gasps in shock and horror at this revelation.


Now, it was time for Shoto to shout.

Shoto: Wh-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?! You always told everyone that you were too late to pull Touya out of the fire! What the hell is with the contradiction right now?! You've been lying ALL THIS TIME???

Endeavor bursts into maniacal laughter.

Endeavor: *laughing* And what if I did?! What will you do?! HUH?!

He charges at Shoto, being propelled by his flames, but Touya quickly grabs Shoto and pulls him out of harm’s way by propelling himself in quite a similar manner.

Touya: You’re right. I saw you that day, you know? I saw you behind a tree, looking at me. For just a fraction of a second, I believed you would help me, but what did you do? You shot your flames right at me! You burned my skin to such an extent, that it burned off and my jaw dislocated from my screaming and crying. With no skin to support the dislocated jaw, it fell on the floor. I was unable to scream, I couldn't do anything, then you hit the trees around me with YOUR flames.

He straightens up and stares at Endeavor, who had his eyes fixed at Shoto and had flames erupting out of his body.

Touya: Did you know, that my quirk works on my emotions? The stronger my emotions, the hotter the flames. And at that moment, I felt nothing but intense hate for you. I felt betrayed. The flames started to get even wilder. At that moment, I saw your face. It wasn’t the face of a man who was supposed to be *ahem* NUMBER TWO hero. The eyes, the grin, all of it was that of a madman. Of a psychopath. That face was the same as the one you had moments ago when you and Shoto were alone.


Meanwhile, the hidden chip on Shoto was still on, and all of the conversations were being heard somewhere in a dark room. A cup of tea is put down on its saucer, and a person with distinct rat features opens his eyes.

Nezu: All of you. Go. I want Endea- Enji Todoroki. ALIVE! Shoto may be his son, but he is also my student. And I will not take it lightly that someone is trying to kill a student of mine.

All Might had an earpiece with him, as he was watching over Eri and Aoi, who were playing among themselves. He had also heard the whole conversation. He was clenching his fists till they turned white and blood started dripping out of his fist.

All Might: *horrified and disgusted* Enji…!


Back with Shoto, he was having an internal crisis about what the boy was supposed to do. There was the villain Dabi, who was claiming that he was Shoto’s long dead brother, Touya Todoroki. All the evidence and everything proved Dabi right. So was he really his Touya-nii? The boy who he always wanted to play with when he was a child? The eldest brother of Shoto? Then as if that wasn't enough, there was the fact that the old man Endeavor had admitted that he had killed Touya, and now, was trying to kill Shoto himself.

All this information was too much for Shoto to process at the same time, the boy started to choke on air and hyperventilate. He collapsed on the ground, clutching his heart with his hands, desperately gasping for air, the corners in his vision were getting darker by every second, the boy was frantically darting his eyes around in panick, when suddenly, a hand goes through his hair.

Touya: Calm down bud. You won't die. Not on my watch.

For some reason, his heart DID start to slow down. His vision was starting to get clearer, and his tears, which were falling out of his eyes involuntarily, had also stopped.

Touya: There we go. Now come on, I said I'll protect you, but that doesn't mean you can just sit still while I do all the work.

Shoto: Y-yes… Touya-nii.

Touya smiled at his brother, as he helped hin up.

Touya: Now…

Shoto: Let's do this shit…

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