Chapter 63.5: Who are you?

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Kazuma opens his eyes to the beeping of a machine, as he tries to move, but a voice stops him.

Doctor: Oh, you're up. That's good. Took quite the damage, you know? Broken rib, fractured kneecap & a dislocated shoulder, but I guess that comes, with being a hero and all. I'll send someone in.

The doctor leaves the room, as Shinokawa’s voice once again echoes in the boy’s head.


Kazuma grunts in annoyance as he grips his hair with his good hand.  The door opens, as Kazuma lets go of his hair.

Edgeshot: Hey kid.

The boy’s eyes were being shadowed by his hair.

Kazuma: *weakly* Did you know..?

Edgeshot: Not beating around the bush, huh? *nervous chuckle* *sigh* Yeah. Yeah we knew. We were planning on telling you once Shinokawa was arrested.

The man walks up to the window and looks at the blue sky.

Edgeshot: Kageyama. You're a strong young man. Physically, mentally AND emotionally. But stuff like this out of the blue, it… it breaks a man. Breaks the best of us. We know that Shinokawa killed Ryome- your father. I still took you upon the case, because it felt disrespecting him if I didn't.

Edgeshot looks back at the boy, his eyes still shadowed by his hair.

Edgeshot: But now that you know, there's no other way. This is an important mission for the agency, and we can't have anyone acting on impulse. I'm sorry, but you're off the case… it's for your own well being. It's just like what I said when we first met. “Anger clouds your judgement”. The agency will be too busy to keep you interning. I'm terminating your internship. Once you're discharged, please pack your things from the agency. Get some rest. Goodbye, Kageyama.

The man then walks out of the room, as the boy says nothing.


A few hours later, the doctor reenters the room. He sees that Kazuma was lying on the bed, breathing, yet motionless.

Doctor: Good evening Mr. Kazuma. I'll be checking everything to see if it's in order, if you don't mind?

Kazuma: …

Doctor: O… Kay…

The doctor then starts to check up on the oxygen tanks and the heartbeat monitor, as his gaze falls upon the table, which still had the food the boy was given in the morning.

Doctor: If you wish to get well soon, you have to eat.

Kazuma: I’m not hungry…

The man was himself a father, seeing the boy in such a state seemed to have somewhat awakened his paternal instinct, as he puts the plate in front of Kazuma

Doctor: *sternly* Eat.

Kazuma: I said… I'M NOT HUNGRY!

He grabs the plate, and throws it at the wall.

Doctor: *sigh* Rest for now. If you need anything, press that button, and a nurse or I will attend to you. I’ll send somebody to clean this up.

The doctor leaves, as a drop of tear slides down the boy’s cheek, as he grits his teeth.

-The next day-

Kazuma hadn't consumed a single grain of food yet, as the clock strikes 10, and a knock is heard on the door.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now