Chapter 69 (Hehe): Shinokawa vs Kazuma: The end

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Shinokawa: Alright, I've had my fun with you and Edgeshot.

He aims a lava stream at the boy and shoots it. Kazuma tries to dodge it, but is unable to fully dodge it, as it goes through his left shoulder, leaving a hole in his shoulder. He grunts in pain, as Shinokawa once again makes a chunk of the wall fall on the boy and the boy's vision fades away.

Shinokawa walks over to the boy, the arm of the little girl held tightly in his hand, as he dragged the girl along with him. Once he gets close enough, he crouches to see the boy.

Shinokawa: Hmm... now this looks familiar, where have I seen it?

He puts a finger on his chin as he starts to "remember".

Shinokawa: Right! This was exactly how your weak, pathetic father died. Immobile, trapped under debris, left to die. The society, the heroes, the villains, even the civilians, they're all a bunch of trash. One of these days, a boy would go to jump off a roof, and all that the people will do, is watch! "A hero will come!"  They'll watch, and keep watching as the boy jumps off the roof in front of their eyes. They'll keep watching, or panic among themselves as the boy will bleed and take his last breath, but nobody would step in and try to call for medical assistance. No! Because a HeRo WiLl CoMe! But some people try to do the right thing. Elimination of these bastards. Cleansing this world of such people. But they get marked as "vigilantes". People who try to do the right thing become an enemy of the society! They're hunted down by the government, why? Just because they were doing the right thing.

He gets up, as he looks at his hand.

Shinokawa:  That's why, I stepped up. My quirk makes me able to adapt to any quirk that I copy, that's why, we, Null, have been gathering quirks, I'll become the equivalent of All for One, but unlike him, I'll cleanse this world, I'll be the people's new god! Some may call me a monster, but you know what? That's fine! Why? Because as the world is now, the only ones who'll be standing at the end, will be monsters! Now, go to sleep forever, Kageyama.

Shinokawa turns around, and starts walking, but stops, as a grin once again comes on his face. He turns around to look at Kazuma, as he grabs the girl by her neck, and brings her closer to his face.

Shinokawa: You know... I think you're mature enough to understand what I mean, when I say that I'll be using her for my personal "stress relief". Hehe.

But the girl had her eyes glued to the boy. She didn't want him to die. He was the first one ever, who had said that he'd protect her. A few months ago, her parents had exchanged her to Shinokawa for a bunch of small paper that she recognized as money, since she had seen her parents fight for it a couple of times at her home, if you could call it that. Ever since she had been sold to Shinokawa, nobody ever talked to her in a way that they should to a child, they all treated her like one of those pink animals who have a wiggly tail and a long nose. She was given food, but it was barely sufficient for one time, but it was better than nothing at least. She had lost hope, but today, when she saw the man named as Shinokawa take her out of her cage, she felt as if whoever is attacking these people, will save her. Will take her to a place where her potatoes will be properly boiled, where her rice would be sweet, where she'd never have to see the face of green vegetables ever again.

And the boy in front of her eyes, she felt that he could do it, she wanted, no, needed him to fight back, to save her from the hands of this man.

???: Get up... please... GET UP! PLEASE!!!

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