Chapter 15: When All is Revealed

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Kazuma woke up, once again in Recovery Girl's office, along with a green boy lying beside him.
The duo woke up to see their homeroom teacher and Small Might.
"Huh? All Might/All Might-san?"
The two turned around to face each other.
Izuku asked Kazuma about how he knew All Might in this form, to which Kazuma replied that he had a glimpse of All Might shrinking in size back at the USJ, but wasn't sure about it until recently when he noticed the similarity between the talking style of the two and the fact that these two were never seen together, yet Small Might claimed to be All Might's secretary.
Kazuma suddenly felt a change in his vision. He saw the usual normal things, but at the same time, he saw the same world, but in a different form. Kazuma quickly realised what was going on as he put his hand on his left eye to see the eye patch missing. He started breathing heavily as he started remembering certain words from some people.
"They'll abandon you"
No they won't.
"They'll leave you."
No, they won't.
"They'll expel you once they see your true face."
No they won't.
No I'm not.
"Mrs. Kazuma? We are from the Hosu Police force, we are devastated to tell you that your husband, Ryomen Kazuma, also known as the Pro Hero: Tele-Kinectic has died in battle."
Dad, where are you?
I need you.
I need you to hug me and tell me it's going to be okay.
I need you to....
Kazuma's thoughts were interrupted as a bandaged man hugs the boy.
"It's going to be okay. I'm here for you."
Aizawa spoke up as he hugged his student, certain words started running in the boy's mind.

"Your quirk is amazing, Kazuma-san"
"Kazuma-san, YOU CAN BE A HERO TOO."
I see. So that's how it is, huh?
Thank you... Izuku.

-before the fight between Kazuma and Midoriya-
All Might and Eraserhead had arrived at Recovery Girl's office.
"Are you being serious, Chiyo-san?"
"Yes, the boy came in a while ago, his face looked lifeless, his whole body was injured by what it seemed like surgeon needles. And when I asked him what happened he simply told me that he slipped on a banana peel.
Toshinori, when you brought him after the Battle Trials, I removed the boy's shirt to check for any wounds or damage to the ribs, but all I could see on the boy's chest were scars, long, thin scars. But what peaked my curiosity was the fact that only his torso had the scars, none of his limbs.
When the boy came in earlier today, he had similar wounds, fresh ones, on his chest as well as his arms. I'm worried about the boy. I feel like there is something more than his eye that he's scared to reveal."
"His eye?" Aizawa asked with a raised eyebrow, but one couldn't tell.
"Yes, you've definitely seen the boy wear an eye patch over his left eye. When treating him, I saw that the two eyes were... different, probably because of his quirk. But I didn't ask him about it since he didn't want to tell anyone.
Aizawa-kun, as his homeroom teacher, you have to make him get things off of his chest. It will definitely help the boy get better."
"Got it"
-present time-

Aizawa pulled the boy out of his hug.
"Once the festival ends, you tell me... everything.
And that's an order."
Kazuma nodded as he then looked up.
"Wait, when the festival ends? So is it still going on? Wait, Izuku, you defeated me, right?
So you should be fighting your next match, come on, we gotta hurry."
All Might let out a nervous laughter and Aizawa sighed.
"Young Midoriya here already competed with Young Todoroki. He decided to make Young Todoroki use his left side in battle, which ended up being successful, but putting him in this condition and losing the match."
Kazuma snickered at the response.
"Declaration of War, huh?
Well, I kinda expected you to do that kind of stuff in your fight against Todoroki."
Izuku laughed nervously.
All Might and Izuku...
The two made their way back to their friends, both having their hands in slings, as the finale, Todoroki vs Bakugo was about to start.
Ochaco and Hagakure ran up to Izuku and Kazuma and started scolding them both at the same time. Izuku started to apologise, but Kazuma just stood still, staring at Hagakure. This made the girl a little self-conscious.
"Wha-What are you loo-looking at?"
"You're so beautiful."
Hagakure went red as a tomato, while Mina was staring at the two, while vigorously shaking Denki as he asked her to stop.
"That eye..."
Kazuma froze at those words, they were gonna say it after all, they were gonna say how evil his eyes look and how it makes him look like a villain. He clenched his fist, ready to hear it.
"Looks AWESOME!!!"
"Are those your natural eyes? Man I'm so jealous" Sero commented as he stared at Kazuma's eyes.
"They look... so manly."
"How the hell do they look manly?"
"They just... do."
Chatter started surrounding Kazuma, but he still couldn't take his eyes off of the girl in front of him he was able to see with his left eye. Hagakure slapped her cheeks, trying to reduce the massive blush on her face.

-About an hour ago-
Izuku and Shoto had finished fighting 15-20 minutes ago. The stage was still being rebuilt after the destruction that followed the matchup of the two boys. Ochaco and Toru were sitting quietly, not speaking a word.
Ashido Mina, a friend of the two came up to them.
"Are you two okay?"
The two girls silently nodded.
"Oh, hey Kazuma and Midoriya are back."
The faces of the two girls lit up as they looked at the door to find the popcorn guy coming out and getting startled since two girls were staring at him.
The two girls' face went to dim once again as they turned around to see Mina with an ear-to-ear grin pasted on her face.
"Hehehehe, so, Uraraka likes Midoriya and Hagakure likes Kazuma, huh?"
The two girls jumped as their faces went red and they covered their faces with their hands, making Uraraka float in the air when Tsuyu casually grabbed her by the leg. Hagakure couldn't help but turn redder as she thought about what her friend just said.
"Ohoho, don't you worry girls, the best wing person in the world is here. I promise you two that I will make your ship sail into the sunset."
Mina grinned as the two girls went redder than a tomato.
-present time-

Kazuma sat down with his friends as they got ready for the final fight of the UA Sports Festival: Katsuki Bakugo vs Shoto Todoroki.
The two stared at each other and Midnight announced that the match was now underway. Shoto unleashes a ice boulder towards Bakugo Bakugo gets covered by ice as there is nothing to be heard. Suddenly, explosions from the inside of the ice start making sounds as Bakugo comes out of the ice while exploding it.
Bakugo charges at Todoroki and tries throwing him away by grabbing his left arm and swinging it, Shoto makes an ice boulder and slides off of it to avoid getting out of bounds. Bakugo once again flies off at Shoto, but Shoto dodges it while grabbing him by his left arm. Everyone thought Shoto would now use his flames, but he simply just tossed Bakugo away. This seems to anger Bakugo as he starts shouting at Shoto.
Eraserhead points out that it seems like Bakugo still has the desire to battle while Shoto seems to somehow have lost his after Izuku's match. This just seems to piss Bakugo even more as he once again attacks Todoroki. As normally, Bakugo was shouting at Shoto, but some words could be made out from his shouting, like 'flames', 'prove' and 'best'. Izuku suddenly shouts at Todoroki telling him to do his best. Shoto seems to have listened to his classmate and flames start forming on Shoto's left side, which seem to please Bakugo as he starts to prepare for his ultimate attack: Howitzer Impact.
The two forces are just about to collide, as Shoto suddenly switches off his fire as he takes on the explosion by Bakugo head on, but passed out.
The smoke clears out after a while as Bakugo can be seen grabbing the bi-colored, knocked out boy and shouting at him for not using his full power. Midnight used her quirk on Bakugo to send him to sleep and announces Katsuki Bakugo as the winner of the match and the winner of UA Sports Festival.
A while later, the awards ceremony is held as Bakugo stands at first place, but restrained due to his arrogant behaviour. Seeing this, Izuku and Kazuma sigh at the same time. Shoto stands at second place with Tokoyami and Iida at third, but Iida had to leave the stadium as the news about his brother Tensei being injured.
Midnight announces that the awards will be given by a particular someone as All Might appears from the top of the stadium.
Everyone breaks into laughter as Midnight apologises to All Might, who was a little annoyed, for ruining his entrance.
All Might makes it to Tokoyami to put the bronze medal around his neck and hug the boy, giving his own speech of words to the boy before leaving.
He then makes it to Shoto, who was standing on the 2nd position podium, he walks over to Todoroki as he asks the boy of there was a reason why he didn't use his left side in the finals. Todoroki replied that he was unsure of himself, and he understood a little as to why All Might likes Izuku, he ended by saying that he has something he needs to take care of. All Might points out that his face was different from before and hugs the boy, patting him on the back as he whispers something into his ears.
All Might takes the Gold medal and looks at the boy in restraints at the first place.
He went on to praise him about doing that he said he was going to do at the pledge.
He realises that the restraints were a bit too much as he removes the mask from Bakugo's face, only for fun to go rambling about how a win like that wasn't worth anything. He goes on to say that even if the whole world praises him, but he himself does not, then it's not worth anything at all. All Might then proceeded to put the medal around his neck, but Bakugo refused to accept it by avoiding the medal going below his neck, which ended up being unsuccessful as All Might somehow put it around his neck. After that, All Might went on to say that even though the three in front of everyone won the festival, each and every participant was a winner of their own. They shouldn't sulk on losing, but focus on the objective of the festival. Competing, improving, and climbing even further. He said that the future generation of heroes is definitely sprouting.
He ended by saying that he has one last thing to say and asked everyone to say it with him.
The crowd started booing All Might saying that it was the perfect moment to say Plus Ultra.
With this, the UA Sports Festival came to an end.
Here's a little something extra for you guys.
Kazuma, Midoriya, Uraraka and Hagakure were just walking back to their buses as a gingerhead stopped the four in their tracks.
"Oh? What's this? Kazuma somehow managed to keep the students fooled even after showing his true face? How ugly. Future heroes, friends with..."
Izuku took a step forward with anger lurking in his body for the ginger boy, but Kazuma stopped him in his tracks by putting his arm in front of him.
"Hmm? Don't tell me you're actually taking his side. And above that you should probably know that using your quirk in public isn't legal."
Kazuma smiled at the ginger boy.
"Yeah, it isn't, but using our fists doesn't count as the same now does it?"
Kazuma punched the gingerhead in the guy as he got closer to his ear.
"you know, I should thank you for doing all that, since that is what made me into this. And I'm proud of it. Thank you, Miyuki-san. But then..."
He looked at Miyuki smiling, yet intimidating the boy enough to his pants to get wet. In front of two ladies.
Kazuma moved his fist away from Miyuki's guts as he left the boy, gasping for air.

"You actually did use your quirk, didn't you?"
Kazuma snickered.
"Just a little. But he deserved it."

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