Chapter 64: Let the raid begin!

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We see Kazuma begging Edgeshot to take him back on the mission.

Edgeshot: No. I told you. My decision is final. I won’t be taking you back in my internships.

Kazuma: Oh come on! Please! I won’t act on impulse, I swear!

Edgeshot: I refuse.

Kamui Woods, was watching the whole interaction, as he kept walking beside Edgeshot and Kazuma. A while later, he stopped walking, making the other two stop as well, and look back at the pro.

Kamui: Kazuma. Do you really mean it when you say you’ll be rational?

Kazuma: *confidently* Yeah!

The young pro looked deep in the boy’s eyes, but no matter how hard he tried, not even a hint of doubt or lie could be seen.

Kamui: *sigh* Well, there’s no other way then.

Edgeshot looked at Kamui with a raised eyebrow.

Kamui: If you really want to go on this mission, then I’ll be having you intern for me. That way you’ll be able to-

Edgeshot: *cutting Kamui off* What are you talking about… Kamui..!

Edgeshot was glaring at the younger pro hero, as the latter looked back at Edgeshot.

Kamui: I mean no disrespect to you or your decisions, senpai. But I want to remind you that even if I am your junior, I have an agency of my own, and as the number 7 hero, I believe it’s fine for me to have a hero-in-training intern for me.

Edgeshot walked closer to Kamui till the two were inches away.

Edgeshot: I won’t let you do that. I can’t- no, I won’t risk this mission, just because you feel sorry for the boy. I feel sorry for him too, but mission. Comes. First.

Kamui: I'm sorry, but I believe I don't need your allowance to have somebody intern for me.

Edgeshot: Kamui! Look at the picture with a clear head! What you’re doing, it could put all our work in danger, it could put the lives of the boy and many others in danger!

Kamui: But it won't.

Edgeshot: How do you know that?

Kamui: I have faith. It's just like Kamino Ward. The good will overcome whatever is thrown at them and emerge as the victor.

Edgeshot: That was ALL MIGHT! This is a mere child!

Kamui: Heroes are heroes. No matter if it is a teenager, or a 60 year old man who can't go on with his day without a hard candy in the morning.

The two pros kept staring at each other, the tension so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

Edgeshot: You wanna do this? Fine. But know this, if anything happens to the mission or the boy, it's all on you.

Kamui: I know that very much. EdGeShOt..!

Edgeshot turned around, took a look at the boy, then left.

Once Edgeshot was out of vision for Kazuma, he started speaking.

Kazuma: I… Thank-

Kamui: *cutting Kazuma off* Don’t mention it. Now go and train, we got our butts handed to us the last time we met. I’ll have your internship contract sent to UA in a while.

Kazuma: R-Right!

Meanwhile, with Edgeshot, he was berating himself for what he did a few moments ago, and how he had completely rejected to have the boy intern with him until Kamui interfered. But one thing was clear, if things went sideways and the boy was in any sort of danger, the pro won’t hesitate a second to help him…
Even if it’s the last thing he does..!

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