Chapter 11: Let the Games Begin!

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Two weeks later.
Kazuma gets dressed before looking at himself one last time. He turns to see his mother holding his bag with a smile on her face.
"Honeypie, do your best okay? Even if you are unable to win, don't let it get you down okay? So go and do your best and I'll make the best Katsudon that you'll ever eat.
Mama's so proud of you. Now go, I'll be recording the festival live."
Kazuma nodded and wore his eye patch before leaving the house.

Class 1A waiting room
Kazuma was punching at Kirishima as Kirishima activated his quirk on his arms. It was an idea of Kirishima, since this way, not only would his quirk get stronger, but Kazuma's punches would too. The two stretched after a while, as Shoto started going on about how he'll win the tournament and gave Izuku a declaration of war before looking at Kazuma.

 The two stretched after a while, as Shoto started going on about how he'll win the tournament and gave Izuku a declaration of war before looking at Kazuma

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"Same goes to you too, I still haven't forgotten about the Battle Trials."
Kirishima tried to break the tension between the three, as Shoto started walking out, only to be stopped by Izuku who said that even though Shoto  probably had more potential than anyone in the class, Izuku himself would be aiming for the top as well, then Izuku have  his own decleration of war as well.
"Here we go, ok calm down calm down, deep breath"
Kazuma turned around to see Toru freaking out about the festival as they were about to be called out in the stadium a few minutes later.
"I'm scaaaaaaared. What if I fail to make a good impression? What if I under perform and get sent to general Ed?
What do I do? What do I do? What do I do???"
Kazuma calmed himself down, forced a smile on his face and asked Hagakure to calm down and remain positive, saying that he knew that she would perform amazingly.
At the stadium, a bandaged Aizawa and Present Mic welcomed everyone at the UA Sports Festival as he asked Midnight to call the students out.
Kazuma tried his best to stay calm as he looked around to see that he couldn't count the number of people there even if he used all his fingers.
One by one, the classes all appeared at the stage.
Midnight then asked the student representative, Katsuki Bakugo to come up and give the pledge. But Kazuma had a feeling as Bakugo went on to the podium to announce that he will become number one. This earned him a boo chant from everyone and a disapproved and shocked look on his classmates' faces.

Kazuma just giggled at the sight as this was to be expected from Bakugo

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Kazuma just giggled at the sight as this was to be expected from Bakugo.
Midnight then announced that the first event will be obstacle run 4km around the stadium. With this, the students gathered at the starting point. As soon as the signal was given, students tried making their way out of a tunnel. Shoto used his ice to cover the floor in ice and sliding over it, but a few people including Kazuma managed to dodge the ice. The students made their way further only to be greeted by familiar robots.
There were a bunch of zero pointer robots in front of them. Shoto mumbled something and froze a robot with his ice and gained a headstart.
What the? Zero Pointer robots? I think their heads might be their weakness just like the other pointer robots. So I can only try.
Kazuma started running towards a zero pointer and created his gauntlets and boots when running on the arm of the zero pointer as he aimed at the head of the robot.
Kazuma yelled out as his gauntlets covered his whole arm and delivered a massive blow to the face of the zero pointer, obliterating it. Kazuma started to slide down the robot, only to notice Bakugo flying over the robots.
We can just ignore hitting them?
Kazuma realised that fighting the robots will do him no good and would instead stall him in the race. He decided to avoid the robots from there on.
Kazuma made his way over to the next obstacle, The Fall. There was a deep pit in front of him with just a few ropes joining the two ends of the pit. It seemed like the pit was deep, but Kazuma noticed that the deep view was just a illusion and the pit was actually very shallow.

Kazuma tried thinking of a way to cross the obstacle as a pink haired girl came running behind him and used one of her gadgets to jump over the fall

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Kazuma tried thinking of a way to cross the obstacle as a pink haired girl came running behind him and used one of her gadgets to jump over the fall. Seeing this, Kazuma started brainstorming to find a way to clear the obstacle, he then got an idea.
Kazuma summoned his boots as he turned around to run in the opposite direction of the course, the participants behind got confused when they saw a boy run back towards them. He suddenly stopped as he then turned towards the current obstacle and started running. One noticeable thing was that the boy was gaining speed, and at a high pace, once he got to the end, he used all his strength to jump as high and far as he could. The boy shot into the sky, creating a small crater where he was standing, as he continued doing this for a couple of times and landed on the other side of the obstacle. Many people were amused by his quirk and his usage, because The Fall was quite a long pit. Even the pros were discussing about how the quirk could be useful in battle, but a certain ninja-ish Pro had his eyes set on him more than anyone else.
Kazuma saw as Shoto and Katsuki were battling among each other to get ahead as Izuku was running behind them with a piece of robot's metal in his hand. Seeing his condition, one could assume that he hadn't used his quirk yet. Kazuma started running towards the three and suddenly stopped as he saw the obstacle before him. It was a mine field, if he was not careful, he could step on a mine and injure himself. Kazuma started taking steps carefully, yet as fast as he could. He saw Izuku scraping the ground with the metal piece, collecting a bunch of mines together, probably doing something crazy, so Kazuma stared taking his steps carefully. He almost reached Shoto and Bakugo when a huge explosion went off behind him. Kazuma turned around to see Izuku flying in the sky with the metal as he got ahead Todoroki and Bakugo. Soon enough, the two started to catch up on him as Izuku was slowing down, but once again, Izuku decided to surprise everyone by slamming the metal on the ground between Todoroki and Bakugo, setting off multiple mines at the same time.
This is my shot.
Kazuma took the advantage of the gas as he started running as fast as he could using his boots, he made it to the finish line to see Izuku and Todoroki already there. Kazuma finished in third, followed by Katsuki by a window of mere seconds. Soon, the other participants made it as well. Midnight then explained the second event, the cavalry battle. The students were given points, based on their positions, with the last person getting 5 points, the next getting 10, and so on. Izuku had a smile plastered on his face till it was revealed that since he had came in the first place, he had 1 million points. This made everyone target Izuku. Kazuma tried his best to control his laughs as Izuku stood there with disbelief printed on his face. He wanted to go and ask him to join his team, but he already had a plan as to whom he would choose.
"Hagakure-san, would you mind teaming up with me?"
"Shoji-san, would you join my team? I have a plan so that we can be safe AND get other bands as well."
Kazuma's plan was fool proof, he and Hagakure would be the riders, with Shoji as the horse. Kazuma would use his quirk to slow down a particular opponent as much as he can, while Hagakure would take the advantage and steal the headbands, since she was invisible. Shoji would use his quirk to basically create a shell around the two and Kazuma would wear the headband as Hagakure will be exposed when stealing headbands.
Their strategy works really well, although they did lose a headband due to coordination not being present. But the team makes up for it by taking more points than stolen. Kazuma tried going after Izuku as well, but is stopped by Todoroki's team as they try to take advantage of the situation between Bakugo and the blonde guy from class 1B, Neito Monoma and succeed in doing so, leaving the blond speechless. But at the end of the cavalry battle, Team Kazuma didn't have enough points to put them in the top four.
Kazuma felt sad, but tried to stay positive, apologising to his team for not forming a better plan to put them in top four. His teammates said that it was okay, and he did the best he could, so there was no point in feeling guilty.
Suddenly, a guy from 1A, Mashirao Ojiro declared that he was pulling himself out of the competition since he had no memory of what happened at the battle. He was followed by another guy from 1B to do so as well for the same reason. To this, Midnight agreed as she respected their decisions, but to fill in for their places, the class rep of each class had to choose a person from their class. Class 1B's Class Rep, Itsuka Kendo chose Tetsutetsu, a boy with a similar quirk to Kirishima to fill in for the place and Iida asked Kazuma if he would like to fill in for the spot. Kazuma looked back at his teammates, who agreed to him filling in, and thus Kazuma made it to the final rounds.
Meanwhile, a certain ginger boy looked at the results from the crowd.
"So, you made it to the third round after all, huh? Ka-zu-ma-kun?"

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