Chapter 21: A Stain-ed Meeting (get it?)

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Order informed Edgeshot about the situation, stating that his fellow classmate might be in some trouble, and he needed to go there, Edgeshot recommended taking some other heroes along with him, but he refused as a group could bring about some problems as they'd have to keep each other's 6 as well. Edgeshot agreed and allowed the boy to go, saying that he'd arrive as soon as he was done with the villains and commotion there. Order apologised to the Pro in his mind as he thought that he might have an idea of what the 'Problem' was that Izuku might be facing right now.

Along the way, he crashed into a bi-colored boy, it was Shoto, who was looking at his phone, at a certain location on the map to be exact, which Order quickly recognised.

"So he sent you the location too huh? I have a bad feeling about this, let's hurry up."

The two boys started running towards the location.

Elsewhere, Izuku was now kicking the Hero Killer, with some hits landing and some not. Izuku landed on the ground, but stumbled a little, as he fell on the his buttocks. A knife was inches away from slashing him as an ice barrier appeared between the boy and the knife. Followed by a shadow powered punch to the face of the hero killer.

"Todoroki-kun, Kazuma-san, you're here."

The two boys helped the boy get up as the three now took a battle stance, thinking that they'd have to stall the vigilante till the pros arrived.

They were interrupted by Iida, who was lying on the ground, seeming somewhat paralyzed.

He scolded them that Hero Killer was his to kill, he'd kill him and avenge his brother. This ticked the white haired boy off, as Order told his fellow classmate that he should look at himself right now. He said that this wasn't the face of the hero Ingenium, infact, this wasn't a face that should be on any hero, no matter pro or not. Order looked on to see that Stain had already immobilised Native, a pro that the boy often met during his jogs before getting accepted in the UA.

Seeing that Iida and Native were both paralyzed, Order concluded that this was probably because of the guy's quirk. He also noticed that Stain was going for close combat, trying to get a hit on one of the three boys.

"So his quirk needs some sort of contact to activate."

"It's blood." Order heard Deku shout as he saw the green haired boy full down as well, being immobilised.

"I see, Shoto, it's up to you and me now. We have to do someth..."

He was cut short by a knife slicing through his cheek and the arm of Shoto, Stain quickly grabbed the two knives he threw at the boys and licked the edge.

"Ok that's gross."

The other two fell down as well, leaving Stain to be the only one standing.

"You, the fire&ice kid, you're no different than the Ingenium boy, as soon as you arrived, your first priority was to fight, as you ignored the injured over there, meanwhile you two, the shadow user and the strength enhance boy..."

Stain pointed a sword at the paralyzed Order and Deku.

"You both tried to escape with the injured, showing traits of a true hero. You two might actually be lucky, as I don't hurt the true heroes, only the fakes. A long time ago, heroes were all about saving the people and helping the needed, but now, the word 'Hero' is corrupted, the heroes now want fame, and money, and all that baloney, I've taken it upon myself to cleanse this trash of a society, I'll get rid of all the fakes, and the only remaining true hero, will be him... All Might."

"I might as well start with these two children in a costume over here. Once I kill you two and that Pro over there, I'll go on to kill more."



Stain started moving towards the two boys as time seemed to slow down. Words from the past once again started running off in Kazuma's head.


Mrs. Kazuma...

Your sweet mother will be next...


Stain's words started filling Kazuma's mind as it went blank, he couldn't see anything, only feel seething rage and anger towards the hero killer.

Order started getting on his feet, which surprised the hero killer, since even the lowest time one would stay paralyzed, according to their blood group, had not passed yet.

Shadows started forming around the boy as he now stood up, but something seemed... odd. The shadows were forming some sort of an exoskeleton. The boy didn't have any expression except a soul piercing stare at Stain as his right eye seemed to phase between it's normal state and the state of the left eye. For an instance both the eyes were black with white pupils, and the next, they were back to normal.



The boy asked the hero killer, although his voice seemed a lot deeper than usual. Stain shrugged at the sight and threw a knife at the boy once again, just a the knife was about to make contact with the boy's torso, shadows covered it, and the knife bounced off.


Stain wondered what the deal was about this guy before turning quickly towards the two targets of his to finish his job, only to see that they were now covered in a dome which seemed to be made out of shadows.



The hero killer was met with a massive blow to his stomach, which made the man spit as he was thrown into a building wall, forming a huge crack in the wall. Stain quickly got up and jumped at the now surprisingly stronger opponent, but it was of no good as his leg was once again grabbed and he was thrown into a trash chute.

The shadows started covering more and more of the boy, as he was now a little taller than the hero killer and the only thing visible on his face were the white pupils.

Order jumped at the Hero Killer at a huge speed, leaving a crack in the floor where the boy was standing, he was a little away from the man as the shadows suddenly completely disappeared as the boy fell down, exhausted.

Stain stared at the boy, thinking what was the beast he just saw, but his thoughts were cut short by a kick to his face from a red boot.

Izuku was now standing as he picked up Kazuma to put him against a wall nearby. Not thinking much about the form his friend had used a while ago, he knew that Kazuma was now exhausted because of overusing his quirk, which was a drawback to the boy's quirk as he had told Izuku, soon, Iida and Shoto made their way to their feet.

Kazuma saw flashes of the three hitting the hero killer at once, twisting his body in a way one could wince at the sight of. Then he saw Izuku being grabbed away by a flying nomu.

"Izu... ku"

But stain jumped at the nomu, killing it, and saying something that Kazuma was unable to make out as he saw Edgeshot carrying him on his back. He then faded out completely.


A/N: I know it was a short chapter, but I didn't wanna put the fight, and the aftermath, in the same chapter.

Also, that little "thing" that happened with Kazuma? What could it be? I wonder...

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