Chapter 79: I've Always Liked to Play With Fire

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The two brothers charge at Endeavor, Touya preparing his flames, and Shoto, ready to use his ice.

Touya/Shoto: Flashfire Fist!/ Heaven Piercing Ice Wall!

Shoto's ice completely covers up Endeavor, making the surrounding chilly and cold, when Touya's flames make contact with the ice. The rapid and intense heating of the ice makes the cold air around them expand and the air literally explodes and a huge shockwave is sent towards every direction.

Touya grins at seeing the combined attack result to a literal explosion, while Shoto uses his flames to regulate his body temperature.

But when the smoke and vapor is cleared, Endeavor was nowhere to be seen.

Endeavor: That was quite a nice attack there.

The two quickly turn around to see Endeavor flying using his flames, when he suddenly sends a massive ray of flame at the two, Touya rolls out, Shoto does so too, but Endeavor quickly hits him in the chest with another ray of flames, thinking that it was over, but Shoto just walks out of the flames, his shirt burnt away from his right shoulder.

Endeavor: *annoyed* Damn you and your flame resistance!

Before he could do anything else, Touya hits him with his own flames, which Endeavor dodges, but is taken by surprise when Touya was right in front of him, merely a foot away, standing on an ice pillar. Endeavor looks back at Shoto to see that he had his right hand on the ground, which meant that he had made the pillar as soon as the flames sent by Touya had reached Endeavor.

Touya quickly hits Endeavor at nearly point blank range with a huge ray of flames, as the redhead man stumbles and lands on the ground. As soon as he lands, a pillar of ice slams him into a building, and another ray of blue flames and orange flames combined, hit the ice pillar, and the ice explodes once again, this time, hitting Endeavor, as he gets thrown at quite along distance from the two.

Before the smoke could clear up, an arrow of flame is sent towards the two, Shoto quickly realizes it and pushes Touya out of the way, and the arrow goes through his left torso. He quickly puts his right hand on the wound and covers it in ice to stop any blood to gush out.

Touya: You know... I can't exactly protect you at all the times if you purposely get hit.

The two chuckle and dash towards Endeavor, who was standing with two highly condensed fire attacks ready, as he launches the attack at the two.

Touya now pushes Shoto away and sends two flame rays of his own, as the four rays collide and a huge ball of blue and orange flames forms at the center.

The two stopped their attacks, and Endeavor quickly changed to close quarter combat. Touya was a lean guy, not exactly amazing in close combat. He sent a torrent of the hottest flames he could muster as soon as he realized that Endeavor had shifted to fists.

Annoyed and enraged by the hot flames hitting his body, Endeavor let out a massive battle cry as he used his ultimate move.


A concentrated beam of flames erupts from his body, hot enough to vaporize whatever it touches, Touya, taking quick notice of this, releases as much heat as he could as well. Shoto decided to help his brother, and added his flames as well.

What Shoto didn't know, was that Touya never had resistance to heat like Shoto or Endeavor.

The flames kept increasing and increasing, until at a point, Touya's skin started burning. The man winced in pain, as he suddenly stoppef his flames, followed by Shoto doing the same.

Endeavor was starting to overheat himself as well, Prominence Burn usually did so. He needed to rest. But that wasn't going to be possible, especially when there were two opponents in front of him, one with flames that exceeded his own, and one that could regulate his temperature. The only option that was left for him to survive, was to flee.

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