Chapter 18: Hero Names

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Mina slumped in her seat when she heard Toru tell the whole incident that happened not many days ago, which made Uraraka look at her pink friend in confusion.
"Ashido-san? Weren't you trying to get them together? Then why the long face when it might have just happened?"
Mina pouted at the question and started staring at the view outside.
"I wanted to be of a little help, you know? Hagakure-san did all that without even the slightest bit of my help. I'm supposed to be the match maker for god's sake"
This made the girls let out a small giggle as the door opened up to show a white haired boy enter the class.
Kazuma and Hagakure's eyes met and the world seemed to have stopped. Then suddenly the two break the contact by looking away. Both of the two were getting red.
Kazuma came and sat on his place, just beside Hagakure, the silence was absolute. Both of them kept looking away while trying to hide their tomato faces from each other. Kazuma grabbed something from his bag and put it on the adjacent desk. It was a box of chocolates, a box of hazelnut chocolates, with a note stuck to it with a piece of tape.
Hagakure stared at the box for a while and then looked at Kazuma who was looking away at the view outside. She opened the note as a massive blush came across the face of the invisible girl, making her face glow red and steaming.
I think I might have an answer to what happened yesterday evening. Afterall, my crush just confessed to me, I want to tell you that I reciprocate those feelings, so, if you want to go on a REAL date some day, where it isn't about getting me happier or anything, but a proper date, just ask me."
The girl quickly looked at her new boyfriend, who was trying to hide his blush by looking outside the window and letting out a nervous whistle. The girl just smiled, her face still a shade of red and warm.
"Alright now, settle down. Good job on the festival, congratulations Bakugo for coming out on the top." Aizawa instructed the students to sit in their places.
"Today we'll be doing some special hero informatics class."
This word filled the class with terror as to what their homeroom teacher had planned this time that was special.
"Code Names.
You'll be coming up with hero Names for yourself today."
This made the class jump in excitement, only to be silenced at once by Aizawa when his eyes went red and his hair started floating.
He then told them that choosing a hero name was important due to the fact that pros were looking for interns from the UA, with the sports festival giving them a chance to take a better look and analyse the bunch of heroes-in-training, he showed a projection, revealing that many of the students had got an internship offer from many agencies, Bakugo and Shoto had the most offers, followed by Iida and then Kageyama. Uraraka started shaking Iida when she saw that she was one of the people who got internship offers, while Izuku just looked at the list dumbfounded as he had a total of... zero internship offers.
"You got experience about a real fight against villains at USJ, but working with a pro will help you get better in all sorts of ways."
"So that's why the hero names. I see."
Aizawa then went on to speak.
"Although these names will be temporary, yo have to be careful choosing what they will be..."
Aizawa was cut off by the door slamming to show the rated R hero, Midnight as she completed Aizawa's sentence.
"Because you might end up being called just that for the rest of your lives."
A group of boys stood up seeing her right in front of them.
"That's right, Midnight will be taking care of your names being acceptable since I can't do anything about it." Aizawa then transformed into the yellow caterpillar as he lied down in a corner, dozing off.
The students were then handed marker and a board to write their names on it and show it in front of the class, which the class wasn't exactly excited to do. One by one, the students came up to reveal their names. Aoyama actually went and selected a sentence as his hero name, which Midnight made some modifications in, resulting in his hero name being "Can't Stop Twinkling". The others were quite interesting as well, after her first name being rejected, Ashido chose her name as "Pinky", Kirishima chose to pay tribute to the former pro hero Crimson Riot, by choosing his name as Red Riot. Uraraka chose her name as Uravity, which surprised Kazuma since her name was so simple, yet unique, Uraraka + Gravity. Hagakure chose the obvious name "Invisible Girl" for her, while Shoto decided to go on with his usual name, Iida looked troubled while writing his name, which Kazuma noticed, but then, Tenya went on to go with his usual name as well.
Kazuma knew something was bothering the spectacled boy, he just couldn't put his finger on it.
The one that surprised the class the most, was Izuku, choosing his name to be Deku, the nickname that Bakugo had given him, as an insult.
The only ones now remaining were Kazuma, and Bakugo, who had been rejected about 2-3 times. Kazuma gave it a long thought before standing up and walking to the front of the class.
"I gave it a lot of thought, and this is what I've come up with. My name will be 'The Shadow Hero: Dark Order' ."
Midnight looked on to the boy, who was smirking with confidence dripping off of him about his name. She smiled seeing the young boy.
" Dark Order, I like that, it certainly is unique and catchy, as well as it correlates with your quirk. I'll allow it."
"Well, all that remains now is to choose an agency from the offers you have been offered. You have 2 days to figure it out."
With this, Aizawa and Midnight exited the classroom. The students started deciding as to which agency they'd like to intern to, out of all the offers, Kazuma had his eyes stuck on one particular agency, the agency of the Pro Hero: Edgeshot. He was one of the top ten heroes, so getting an internship offer from him and his agency was a huge thing. Kazuma opened up his pen's cap and jotted down Edgeshot's agency as his ideal internship place. He looked around to see that Uraraka had applied for an internship at the agency of the Battle Hero: Gunhead. The students were amazed at Uraraka's decision to go up for a battle hero's agency when she wanted to become a rescue hero. She told them that after fighting Bakugo at the sports festival, she realised that she needed to get out of her comfort zone, as rescues won't always go about without having to fight off a villain. Iida quickly write something on his sheet, which nobody was able to notice.
At the end of the day, Izuku, Kageyama, Toru and Ochaco decided to go on along with Iida, but he was already gone, Aizawa was taking the sheets away, as Kageyama got a quick look at one of the sheets. Iida had applied for a normal Hero's agency at Hosu. This confused Kazuma.
"I'm sure that Iida would have had more internship offers, then why would he choose to go to Ho... No, don't tell me."
Kageyama started joining the dots together. Iida looked like something was eating him up inside since the a while, and after the sports festival, Kageyama had heard on the news that Ingenium was attacked by someone that made Kageyama shiver up, the Hero Killer: Stain. He was known to have attacked and killed 17 pro heroes, while injuring 24 heroes that came up against him. The reports told that Stain was currently somewhere in Hosu city, the same city where Iida had chosen to intern at.
"Guys, do you have any idea where Iida-san is?" Kazuma quickly interrogated his friends, all he got was a concerned shake of heads.
"I'm sorry, but I gotta go."
Kageyama took off, hoping to meet Iida on the way to or at the station, but he couldn't find the boy anywhere.
The next few days, Iida avoided talking to anyone about anything, as the day for the first day of internships approached.
Izuku ran up to his friend along with his other friends, as the tall boy stopped in his tracks.
"If you ever feel hopeless, just know that we are here for you, okay?
We're friends, aren't we?"
Iida turned around and gave them a smile that was not convincing at all that he was fine.
With this, he took off to Hosu city.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now