Chapter 17: THE DATE~ (No, it's not (⁠≧////≦⁠)

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Kageyama was standing by a wall near the Hosu city park, he took out his phone, and looked at the time.
"9:48, she should be here any moment now."
He remembered as his mom pushed him out of the house, saying that the man should be the one to arrive earlier at a date.
"It-It's not a date."
Kageyama was wearing a grey tshirt, and blue jeans, he slipped a black jacket up as he read the forecast telling the day might get chilly later.

"Kageyama was wearing a grey tshirt, and blue jeans, he slipped a black jacket up as he read the forecast telling the day might get chilly later

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(Kinda like this)

Toru was walking down the street, gazing at the beautiful scenery along the way. She looked at her watch and realised she was getting a little late.
"10:05, shoot, gotta run."
And then she saw him, standing by a wall, and damn, the clothes looked good on him, he looked so... cute.
Wait, no, he didn't look cute, he was just a friend, who was down earlier, so she decided to cheer him up by inviting him to lunch, nothing more. But last night's interaction with mom and dad kept repeating in her head.
-Last Afternoon-
"Mom, I need some help."
A while later, when Toru was done telling her mom about how she invited a "friend" over to lunch, but had no idea how she should go on about it. Her mom couldn't stop squeaking as she heard that her daughter had got herself a date.
"So, who is he? The bi-colored boy, Shoto? Ooh, or is it the winner, the Bakugo? Or maybe the redhead, he looked cute shouting manly manly all the time after all. So which one is he?"
"MOM, He's not any of those guys."
This made her mom give the girl a smug smile.
"So, it IS a boy, huh? Come on, we gotta get you dressed up for your date with this mystery boy. Don't you forget to bring him here later, I wanna see who this guy is and what he looks like, and remember to use protection."
"MOM, WE'RE NOT... >///<"
The girl was blushing as her face went warm, she clapped her hands on her cheeks once again and started walking towards the boy.
Kazuma was looking around as he listened to music with his earphones, as he saw Toru walking him. He froze, he didn't move a single muscle, his face started going red, the closer she got to him, the redder he got.
He just couldn't take his eyes off of the girl in front of him. The two were now standing in the same places as they were standing about a few months ago.
She was wearing a maroon top, with a pink skirt going till her knees, with white heels. Kageyama could have started to drool a bit of he had not turned around, facing a building, trying to hide his blush. What Kageyama noticed was that she wasn't wearing a jacket or something, but it was all according to the plan of a certain woman.

 What Kageyama noticed was that she wasn't wearing a jacket or something, but it was all according to the plan of a certain woman

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(Somewhat like this, with the heels, I couldn't find a full pic of her visible, so, had to do with what I got.)
"S-So shall we?"
The two started walking together as people eyed the two and commented on how the young couple were looking so cute and good together.
The two made their way into the complex as they looked around to see where they should go, when a café caught Toru's eyes. The thought of hot and sweet coffee made her forget about her blush and racing heart, as she grabbed the boy's hand and started pulling him towards the Moonbucks. The two got in and she ordered two cappuccino as they sat on a table.
"So, you like coffee?"
"Umm, yeah, I love coffee, but isn't that a question you should have asked before we entered?"
The girl realised her mistake and started apologizing for her behaviour.
Soon, the coffee were ready as Kageyama grabbed the two coffee and gave her the one with Toru written on it.
"Now, for the reason we came here."
Toru once again grabbed Kageyama's hand as the two made their restaurant. The two looked at the menu as Toru ordered Tonkatsu (pork cutlet) and Kageyama obviously ordered Katsudon.
The waiter smiled before taking the orders as he noticed how the couple had ordered similar dishes.
A while later, the waiter came with the dishes and two parfaits which none of the teens remember buying.
The waiter placed the orders down and went closer to Kazuma's ear as he whispered "It's on the house buddy, good luck on the date."
Kazuma didn't know how to respond as he looked at the Katsudon in front of him screaming at Kazuma to dig in. He took his chopsticks and started eating.
(Timeskip brought to you by chibi Kageyama and Toru riding the roller coaster and Toru puking in an alley with Kageyama's hand on her back)
Kageyama looked at the time, 5:38 pm, he didn't think that they'd be out here this long. He looked over to Toru who was busy trying to bite the candy she got from an old lady after she helped her with her cat stuck in a tree. Another thing he noticed was that she was shivering.
"It's a little chilly, huh?"
Toru said jokingly as she rubbed her arms, trying to warm herself up. Kageyama took off his jacket, and put it on the girl.
"Take it, the inside is fur, it will keep you warm."
The girl accepted the jacket with a red face.
The two were walking as someone suddenly grabbed Toru by her arm and grabbed her.
"Give me all the money you have or the girl gets it."
The man said as he licked a knife, and what seemed like tipping it with poison with his saliva, and put the knife inches away from Toru's neck.
Kageyama started to think of what to do. Even if using quirks in public was illegal, he didn't care about it, he wanted to save Toru from the huge guy.
The knife made its way a little closer to Toru's neck as she squealed, asking for help.
Kageyama used his quirk to stop the guy from moving as he ran towards him and prepared his gauntlet and punched him across his face.
"Yeah, I knew I had seen you somewhere. You're that kid from the Sports Festival, don't you think that it's a little past your bedtime?"
The guy ran at Kageyama with his tongue out, a snake's tongue. Kageyama grabbed the man by his torso and got behind him before suplexing him into the floor, but it didn't have much effect on the goon as he twisted his body and turned into what seemed like half snake half human.
"Hmm... you got me to use this, you're good, but it doesn't matter much since this is where you die."
The guy jumped at Kageyama, only to be kicked away by an invisible foot, followed by a huge punch to the face, knocking him out.
The two stood up as the goon lied down, unconscious.
Kageyama quickly turned to Toru as he started looking at her with concern.
"Ar-Are you hurt anywhere? I-I'm so sorry, it's all my fault, if I had not let my guard down, this won't have happened, I'm sorry, I'm really sorr-".
He was cut short by Toru hugging the boy as hard as she could, he then felt that his shirt was getting wet near the place where Toru had buried her face. Instinct took over Kageyama as he put his hand on the girl's head, as she slowly loosened the grip she had on the boy.
"Sorry about that, Kazuma-kun, I know I said that today was supposed to be for you, but I don't know how longer I can keep my feelings buried like this. I was nervous when entering the UA, I was nervous about making friends, but you were my first friend at UA. And, and whenever I'm around you, I feel, safe, and secure, like nothing in the world could hurt me as long as you're with me. When I saw you before your match with Midoriya-san, my throat went dry, I wanted to be there for you, then, I want to be there for you, and I want you to be there for me. You were the first person that called me beautiful ever since my quirk manifested, apart from Mom and Dad, but when you called me beautiful, my heart started fluttering like crazy. I don't know how this will affect our friendship, but Kazuma-kun,
I... I like you. A lot.
If you don't feel that way, I completely understand, but I had to get this off my chest."
The boy's eyes went wide as he heard the girl say those words.
The girl then wiped her tears as she ran up to the station and waved at Kageyama before leaving into the crowd.
Kageyama still couldn't believe what had just happened, he stood there for a minute or two, steaming with a red face.
So... Yeah, Toru confessed, yayyy.
Damn I suck at writing confessions.. :'-)

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