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-15 years later-

We see a newspaper be put on a desk, as the man who was supposedly reading the newspaper stretches his arms.

???: Well, how about that. Son of a gun really went ahead and did it.

We see the newspaper with a huge article on it. The heading read "When the Symbol of Peace and Hero of Hope were young" by Taneo Tokuda in the market now. Buy your copy before it's too late.

A green haired man steps into the room. It was none other than the current number one hero. The Symbol of Peace. DEKU. Or, as his friends knew him, Izuku Midoriya. The man looked around 30 in age. He picks up the newspaper and whistles.

Izuku: Wow... I mean, I kinda had a feeling he would, but still... wow... so, you ready to go?

The mystery man gets up from a chair and cracks his neck, as we see white hair with black stray strands in between. A long scar went by the side of the face of the man. He was the number three hero. The Hero of Hope. Dark Order. Or, as his friends knew him, Kageyama Kazuma.

Kazuma: Yeah, yeah. I'm ready. This time, I'm beating you!

Izuku: Oh, we'll see about that. Eri, if you would be kind enough.

Eri was in her 20s as she sighs and opens the window of the room, we see that the room was at least 45-50 storeys high. It was the HQ of number 1 hero. Peace Tower.

Eri: *sigh* I swear to god, why can't you two act normal for once and go to a place like NORMAL people do?

Kazuma: Yeah, yeah, sweetiepie, now sit back and watch as I kick this guy's ass.

Eri: Whatever, good luck to both of you.

Kazuma: Hehe, thanks.

The two jump out of the window and Izuku starts using float and Kazuma shifts into Erebus and starts falling down.

Eri runs to the window and waves the two goodbye.

Eri: Bye Snowy! Bye Deku!

Kazuma keeps falling in the air as he closes his eyes.

Kazuma: Shadow Swipe. Airborne!

He merges into his shadow and pops out from a shadow under the top floor of the building and zaps through the air, and reaches Izuku very soon.

Izuku: *floating* Oh, it's on!

He uses One for All at 100% with Float and BlackWhip and speeds up massively.

Kazuma lands on a building and starts running.

Kazuma: Shadow Boots. Erebus Variation. Maximum Output!

He also speeds up immensely as the two disappear into the sky as two shiny dots.

Eri sighs and closes the window.


Kazuma was standin with his hands on knees. Panting.

Kazuma: *pant* Not... fair... You used three quirks. THREE QUIRKS! And I could only use one... Next time, I'll kick your ass all around the place.

Izuku: Hehe. Sorry.

The two walk into a building. Hope Tower. The HQ of the number three hero, situated at the far end of the city.

The two walk in as many people greet them and a girl comes to Kazuma with a bunch of papers.

Kazuma: Hey Aoi. How's Toru doing?

Aoi was also in her 20s as she handed Kazuma some documents.

Aoi: You might wanna have an apology ready.

Kazuma gulps in fear and signs the documents and hands it to Aoi, who takes it and leaves.

Izuku: So, how is she? Little Mizu, that is.

Kazuma: Mizu is doing perfectly fine. I suppose Toru is looking after her as we speak.

Izuku: Man... to think she's already an year old. It's as if you and Toru revealed that you two were gonna be parents just yesterday.

Kazuma: Well, what can I say? Time surely does fly.


Kazuma: Cheers!

We see Kazuma hold a bottle of beer in the air and Ochaco, Tsu, Ashido, Kirishima, Bakugo, Jiro and Kaminari, all sitting at a table.

The group of friends, now pros enjoy themselves as they eat, drink, laugh together. (Not Bakugo, he was mostly just shouting at Izuku)

Kazuma: But seriously, being a hero is good and all, but what I hate about this job, is the paperwork.

Kirishima: I second that!

The group nods in agreement.

Izuku: Oh, speaking of heroes. I'm visiting All Might today, do any of you wanna join?

Kazuma: I suppose he won't mind if I do visit him.

Suddenly a voice is heard and the friends stop what they were doing.

???: Aww... Migh..?

Everyone slowly turn their head to where the source of the voice, surprised. A baby girl with chartreuse hair was sitting in Kazuma's lap. Mizu Kazuma. The daughter of Kageyama Kazuma and Toru Kazuma.

Ochaco: Did Mizu just...

Izuku: And the words were...

Mizu: Aww Migh!

Ochaco: SHE DID! She said her first words!!!

Izuku starts rambling as Kazuma stares at his daughter, he then picks her up and sits her on the table.

Kazuma: So, you can speak now, huh?

Mizu: Aww Migh!

The baby starts to chuckle.

Kazuma: Alright, here's the deal kid. You can have a boyfriend, but only after I approve of him. You will be back home by nine at the most! I don't want any boy in your room or god forbid I will make him regret it. If you're gonna wear skirts, they should AT LEAST be knee long. Any shorter than that, you're not wearing it. No make-up till you're 20, no alcohol or any sort of illegal items either. You understand me?

Mizu just stares at her dad, pokes his nose and starts to giggle.

Toru: *sigh* She JUST said her first word, you doofus.

Kazuma: I know. They grow up so fast, don't they?

Suddenly, his phone goes off.

Kazuma: Dark Order speaking... Okay... Alright, I'll be there.

He gets up and hands Mizu carefully to Toru.

Kazuma: Gotta go. Duty calls. Love you.

He kisses his wife on her face, and runs to the sight.



The villain had just been apprehended, as the reporters had swarmed around Kazuma.

Reporter: Dark Order. You have fans ranging from children to adults to old men all over Japan, and most of them seem to have many questions on their mind that they wanna ask you, but one of the most frequent ones is "What, in your opinion, means to be a pro hero?"

Kazuma looks at the reporter with a smirk.

Kazuma: What it means to be a Hero?


A/N: AAAND... Done. Man this was a ride. Hope you guys enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

As usual, feel free to drop your thoughts.


What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now