Chapter 55: Secrets of One for All

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In the next few days, as Izuku informed All Might of his meeting with the previous OfA users, and how he now had access to Float and Fa Jin along with OfA, which he was able to use up to 30% without any drawbacks. All Might tried his best to gather as much information about the previous OfA users, and had information on the 3rd user, all the way to Nana Shimura. His predecessor, mentor, and the 7th user of OfA.

Meanwhile, Aizawa had opted that Eri would be under his supervision and care, seeing that only he could help, if her quirk was to go out of her control. Soon enough, everyone in class 1A came to know about the secret raid through media coverage.


It was evening as Toru was talking to Jiro when she saw Kazuma sitting outside, looking far into the distance. She excused herself as she went out.

Toru: Kage-kun, what are you doing here?

Kazuma: *quickly wiping tears off* Oh- Hey Toru, what’s up?

Toru sighed as she sat beside the boy and made him lean his head on her lap and started stroking through his hair.

Kazuma: What’re you doing? It’s embarrassing.

Toru stops stroking his hair.

Kazuma: *looking away* I… I didn’t say stop…

Toru chuckles as she once again starts stroking her boyfriend’s hair.

Toru: So, what were you crying about?

Kazuma looks surprised that she noticed this, as he buries his face in her lap.

Toru: Well..?

Kazuma: I was there, Toru… I was there when Nighteye told us to go, if I had protested against it, maybe… Maybe he would still be alive…

Toru suddenly felt her leg get wet, but she let the boy continue to take out his feelings.

Kazuma: Why? Why do people always keep… keep getting hurt if they’re near me? I’m aiming to be a hero, and yet… why?

Toru: Kageyama… look at me…

Kazuma looks up with his teary eyes as Toru cups his cheeks in her hands, and wipes the boy’s tears with her thumb.

Toru: It’s true that Nighteye passed away, I might not know him all that well, he might be a complete stranger to me, but you know what I think?

Toru then gives the boy a small peck on the forehead.

Toru: I think that Nighteye is proud of you, and not even for a second, does he blame you for anything. NOBODY does.

Kazuma: Toru…

Toru: What you did wasn’t wrong at all, you rescued the girl, she must be so grateful to you, I am grateful to you, everyone is grateful to you. Well, not everyone, since Chisaki must be cursing you guys like hell right now in Tartarus *chuckle* But the point is… It wasn’t your fault, okay?

Kazuma: Who..?

Toru: Hmm?

Kazuma: *small chuckle* Who are you and what have you done to my Toru? My Toru isn’t this mature.

Toru: *sweatdrop* Aaand, you’re back. C’mon, get up. Up, up, up.

The two chuckle as they both go back inside the dorms, when Kazuma suddenly grabs Toru’s wrist, stopping her.

Kazuma: Wait… I wanna apologize…

Toru: Apologize? To whom?

Kazuma: Why, you of course.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now