Chapter 84: The battle resumes

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Toru had now reached the medics along with Kirishima, as she took the support of a nearby tree to recollect her breath. She looked around to see multiple casualties, but her eyes were darting around, she began running to somehow get even the slightest glimpse of white hair, she pushed past people, Kirishima following not too far behind her, as her gaze fell upon something that made her head get so light that she would've fainted if it wasn't for Kirishima quickly stepping behind her, preventing her from collapsing.

An oxygen mask ran through the face of Kazuma and his shirt was ripped open and bloodied bandages were being replaced by fresh new ones. His face was painted red in blood, along with the hair displaying a deep crimson. His eyes were closed and healers were trying to heal the multiple punctures in the boy's body.

Toru: K-Kage-kun?

She slowly started walking towards the boy. The boy didn't respond as she grabbed one of the medics by his collar.

Toru: Oi! Why isn't he replying?! The fuck happened to him?! ANSWER ME!

Medic: M-Miss. Relax, he's fine. He was retrieved from the front lines not too long ago, he NEEDS medical assistance.

Toru hesitatingly lets the man go as she walks over to her boyfriend.

Toru: Can you hear me, Kage-kun? I need you to come back. I need you to stay with me, okay? I love you, you hear me? And don't you dare sleep on me! *crying* please! Don't leave me! Please...

A hand makes its way to the girl's head.

She looks up to see Kazuma looking at her with one eye and smirking.

Kazuma: Crybaby.

She jumps to hug the boy as hard as she could and starts crying.

Kazuma: O-Ow.

Toru instantly lets go of him and looks at him.

Toru: A-Are you okay?

Kazuma: I'd be lying if I said I am. Heh, so who's dealing with the villains right now?

Medic: All Might and a blonde boy.

Kazuma: Did the boy seem to be a little loose in the head?

Medic: Oh, definitely!

Kazuma sighs as he gets up, much to the discomfort of Toru, and goes to run to the front lines, but suddenly, he feels someone holding his hand and refusing to let go.

Kazuma: *without looking behind* Toru. Let go of my hand.

Toru: No. You won't go back there. We both know what happened the last time.

Kazuma: Yeah, but this time, we have All Mig-

Before he could finish, he senses something heading towards them at a huge speed.


He grabs Toru by her head and pulls her down as All Might goes flying past them and crashes into a tent.

AfO: You're starting to get boring, All Might. I was hoping for a thrill.

Bakugo: DIE!

AfO grabs Bakugo and throws him at All Might, who had just gotten up and is now once again on the ground with Bakugo on top of him.

Kazuma:*pushing Toru* Move! Move! Move! Go away now!

Toru: B-But Kage-kun, you-

Kazuma cuts her off by a kiss and breaking it in a few seconds.

Kazuma: I love you too, now go!

She hesitates to move, but is soon pulled away by one of the medics. As Kazuma summons Erebus and dashes towards the villains. He is soon joined by Bakugo and All Might as the three kept running, when suddenly, an air canon is sent towards them. 

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now