Chapter 29: Encounter

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Kageyama was sitting in his place as he kept staring at his girlfriend, who avoided exchanging gazes with him, and it was staring to worry the boy.

"Umm... Uraraka-san?"

The chocolate haired girl turned around to see Kageyama standing beside her.

"I don't know why, but it feels like Toru-chan is angry and doesn't want to talk to me, do you have any idea?"

Before she could say anything, she noticed that she could literally feel the angry gaze the invisible girl was giving her crawl up her skin.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea."

Almost immediately after that, the class went back to their seats in an instant as the door slammed to show Aizawa enter the classroom.

He announced that there were students who has failed the exams, which made Sero, Kirishima, Sato, Ashido and Kaminari to hang their heads low in shame. However, their faces lit up as their homeroom teacher told them that they'd be going to the forest lodge no matter. He then went on to explain that why he told them that failing students won't be joining them there, simply stating that he did so to make them bring out their best potential. He then told them that the forest lodge was a boot camp, which would help them train themselves and their quirks better. He said that the failing students needed that the most, so they'll of taking special remedial classes at the camp.

This brought back the doom and despair on the faces of the failing students, as none of them was looking forward to studying at a trip any day soon.

Once the teacher had left the class, everyone decided to go shopping for the trip, Kageyama remembered that he had been wearing the same pairs of clothes over and over along with some that Izuku didn't mind giving him. He remembered how the hospital nurses said that he looked cute dressed in the All Might tee that Izuku had given him.

The students decided to meet up at the Kiyashi-Ward Shopping Mall the next day.


The students had gathered up, along with Kageyama, who was still tensed about Toru not talking to him. Regardless, he followed Toru as she went on to pick some clothes for herself, at least asking for his opinion, but still pouting. He even tried making her flush, by saying that she'd look so cute in a dress that he could die, but that only made the girl red, but still, no normal talks.

A while later, the young couple were sitting on a bench, eating icecream in silence, till Kageyama decided to break it.

"Toru-chan, are you angry at me? Did I do anything to make you feel annoyed? I mean, I don't remember doing something like that, but still. You've been ignoring me since the exams. Tell me please. What did I do to make my teddy bear angry?"

The girl looked away, blushing redder than Kirishima's hair, as she patted her right leg, confusing the boy.

"Lie down... slept on Midnight's lap..."

This confused the boy even more, but the confused look was soon taken over by a smug one.


Could it be... That you're jealous that I "slept" on Midnight's lap, when you're my girlfriend?"

He teased the girl, emphasizing on the word "Slept".

Toru kept looking away as she felt somebody in her lap, she looked down to see Kazuma looking at her, while giving her a warm smile. Toru blushed a little more, but she brushed it off as she started running her hand through the boy's hair. She then tickled the boy near his neck a little, gaining a little giggle from the boy as the two eyes met.

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