Chapter 30: Boot Camp... Here We Come!

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A/N: I'm thinking of changing my writing style a little, cuz as it is now, it gets difficult to write at certain times, so, I hope you guys don't mind the change.

With that out of the way, let's get on with the chapter, should we?


It was now the day of the start of the boot camp, as the class got in the bus that was supposed to be transporting them to their destination for the camp. Monoma had thrown his usual fit, mocking Class A, as he was smacked in the neck by Kendo. Kazuma could swear that one would think that she was basically the older sister of Class B. The classes then got in their respective buses as Kazuma plugged his earphones in as he started playing the song "Ride" by 21 Pilots, since they were one of the best music artists out there, or so would the boy say.

(A/N: His words, not mine!)


After about an hour long drive, the bus stops. Thinking that it was a pit stop, the class exited the bus as Kazuma stretched his arms and legs.

The class was taking in the view, as a voice came from behind the class. A door of the car that was parked near the bus opened and stepped outside two women in cat outfits and a boy who looked like he'd be anywhere but there.

???: Lock on with these sparkling gazes!

??: Stingingly cute and catlike!

??? & ??: Wild, Wild Pussycats.

Kazuma noticed that he felt as if he knew the blonde girl from somewhere, he knew she was close to him, but couldn't put his finger on it.

Aizawa: These are the pros who will be working with us during the camp, the Pussycats.

Izuku: *fanboying* They're the four-peeson hero team who set up a joint agency! They're a veteran team that specialises in mountain rescues! This year will be their twelfth –

Kazuma's eyes went wide as he realised who the blonde girl was as he went to shut his friend up as fast as he could, but he was unable to do so as Izuku's head being held by the blonde girl as she stared at the boy, annoyed.

Pixie-Bob: I'm 18 at heart!

At heart..?

Izuku: Y-You're 18!

Kazuma quickly got in between the two as he tried seperating them.

Kageyama: Forgive him, Ryuko-nee. H-He didn't know about y-you. He never called you o... that word.

This earned him the blonde's attention.

Pixie-Bob: And just who the heck ar- No way... Kitten, is that you???

Pixie-Bob started hugging the boy as she spun him around.

Pixie-Bob: Hey, Mandalay, look at my young boy all grown up. It's soooo good to see you again Kitten.

Kazuma broke the hug as he pushed the girl away from him.

Kageyama: it's good to see you too, and I have a name for fuc-

Pixie-Bob: Language, young man!

Kageyama: S-Sorry...

Izuku: umm, Kageyama? How do you know Pixie-Bob here?

Pixie-Bob: Yepp, Tele-Kinetic and us Pussycats worked together every once in a while, cuz of this we all became great friends. And that's how I met this guy here. I still remember how he would sit on his father's shoulders and pose as if he was All Might himself.

Kageyama: *embarrassed* RYUKO-NEE!!! You promised that you'll never tell that to a single soul.

Pixie-Bob: *giggling* You guys might be interested to know that your classmate here used to beg his father to visit us, just so he could stay by my side. If you guys want, I can share some pics I have of him as a child, you know?

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