Chapter 81: The Mystery Savior

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Kazuma: *on comms*  This is a goodbye to you all… Ma, Toru, Izuku, Katsuki, Ochaco, Eri, Aoi… and yes even you…


We see a silhouette of Ryomen Kazuma standing in his hero costume, his cloak flailing proudly, as the silhouette fades into Kazuma wearing his father’s cloak and taking what could very well be his last stand against villains.


Toru: H-Huh? W-Wh-What’s that s-s-supposed to mean?

The voice of the girl was shaking terribly.

Toru: K-Ka-Kage-kun…? W-What do you mean, g-g-goodbye…?

No response.

Toru: *crying* N-No. No, no, no, no, no, NO!!

Before she could think straight, her body starts moving on it’s own, along with a boy with red hair.

Kirishima knew that his best friend needed backup, he couldn't just sit and watch when his comrades, his allies, his classmates, HIS FRIENDS were out there, risking their lives for the sake of others. He wasn't gonna freeze, not again. Before he knew it, his legs started moving on their own and he had started running towards the place where the battles were taking place. He looks to his right to see a pair of gloves and boots also running alongside him. It was Hagakure.

Yaomomo: Wait! Where are you two going?!

Kirishima: They need our help! Don't worry, we’ll be okay!

Yaomomo grits her teeth as the two get out of her eyesight.

Back with Kazuma.

AfO: Thank you for the wonderful comedy, Kazuma. Perhaps you need another dose of what happened back when you tried to stand against me?

Kazuma: Fuck off bastard!

He starts to run towards the villains, when TomurAFO sends a rivet towards him, which he dodges. The hole in his lungs made by the villain earlier was expanding everytime he inhaled, and the sudden movement of dodging the rivets made the hole expand a little more as the boy fell on his side, clutching his chest in pain, as blood fell on his hand.

Kazuma quickly uses Shadow Travel to get behind a huge rock, and crouches down. He removes his shirt where the hole was and examines the wound. Rummaging through his first aid, he takes out a small bottle of ointment and dressing and takes a part of his cloak into his mouth.

Summoning all the courage he could muster, he applied the ointment on the wound and clenched his teeth in pain, the cloak in between actually helping a bit, and suppresses an ear-piercing scream.

Once he was satisfied that enough ointment was appiled, he quickly wraps it up in bandages, and puts his shirt back on. Surprisingly enough, the villains were waiting for Kazuma to get out of his hiding spot. With his feet wobbling a bit, Kazuma gets up and walks out to face the villains. Upon seeing him, AfO’s face breaks into a grin.

AfO: Let’s continue. Machia. Come.


Yaomomo was unable to contact either Toru or Kirishima, when suddenly Gigantomachia, who they supposed was out for the count suddenly starts screaming and starts getting back on his feet.

Gigantomachia: Master! He needs my assistance! Master calls for me!

Gigantomachia’s jaw seems to shift upwards, covering his eyes, as if it was some sort of visor, and his massive canines are revealed. His nails start to enlargen and his skin, which seemed almost impenetrable, started to get even thicker and harder.

In just an instant, the tables seemed to be turned on the heroes, as Gigantomachia stood up, taller, stronger and deadlier.

Machia: Master needs me! You pests are stopping me! Get out of the way!

He raises his hand, the claws easily as tall as a building, about to crush many people that stood still. Frozen in fear.

Yaomomo knew she had to move. She knew that she had to get away but her body seemed to disobey her. She didn't move a single muscle, as the shadow of the claw completely covered her.


But the girl seemed to have completely given up. She got out of her stance, and closed her eyes. Waiting for her inevitable death by being crushed under the attack.


The girl tries to run towards her friend, but is suddenly stopped by someone. She turns around to see it was Sato.

Jiro: O-Oi! Let me go!

The boy fights back with his tears and picks her up and starts to run.


Sato grits his teeth while crying as he kept running.


The boys were changing into their hero costumes as Denki slowly approaches Sato, who was putting his gloves on.

Kaminari: Hey… Sato?

Sato: Yeah, what’s up?

Kaminari: Listen, I… uhh… I need to ask of a favor from you.

Sato: Oh, what's going on?

Kaminari: You know how I’m on the front lines, right?

Sato: Umm… yeah?

Kaminari: And that Kyouka is on the rear guard. With you and the others?

Sato: Yeah, but what’re you trying to say?

Kaminari: *sigh* I'm just… worried about her. I’d ask Kazuma, but we both know that he’s gonna get in the front lines as soon as something happens. So I’m asking you…

-flashback end-


Sato kept running as tears kept flowing out of his eyes. The voice of Kaminari echoes in his head.

Kaminari: In case things go south at the rear guard, I want you to get Jiro out of danger before anything else.

Sato was still running, crying, while ignoring the punches, elbows, kicks that Jiro was landing upon him.

Jiro: *crying* YAOMOMO!!!

The raven haired girl had completely given up as she waited for the claw to crush her, the claw was nearing her by every second, as she clenched her fist, tears falling out of her eyes.

Yaomomo: I’m sorry, Midnight-sensei. I was unable to stop him. Sorry… Really sorry…

The claw was merely seconds away from crushing her, when suddenly…

A sparkle appears in the sky and someone blurs past in the sky and lands a hit on Gigantomachia as the villain falls on the ground.

The villains on top of Machia seemed confused as to why the massive villain suddenly fell unconscious, as the same blue blur passes through them, knocking them out in an instant.

Yaomomo waited for her death, but when it never came, she opened her eyes to look at the villain. Her teary eyes blurring everything.

Suddenly, she feels as if she was picked up, and was now in the air in someone’s arms. She looks at the person who just saved her, but all she manages to see was two pointy yellow locks of hair moving freely in the air before she passes out from exhaustion and stress.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now