Chapter 24: It's not over... Not yet...

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Kazuma was walking back home from school, as he remembered what had happened in the past few days. UA had presses charges against Mahito Hado, Miyuki Hado and the Hosu secondary school. Miyuki and his father were charged with jail time of 5 months and 1 year respectively, with Mahito being stripped of his position as head of Hado Enterprises, with the whole company going on a temporary hold for an year. Miyuki was found guilty for assault, illegal quirk usage and bodily harm to a being, resulting in him being refused of any jobs, whether it be a mere shopkeeper, to being a hero.

Kazuma exited the Hosu city railway station, as he got mixed up in the crowd, suddenly, he felt a man bump into his shoulder, he turned around to apologize, but the man dropped a letter in front of the boy and disappeared before scoffing at the boy.

"See you never, scumbag."

With this, the man had gone into the crowd. Kazuma picked up the letter and looked at it in shock as the letter was addressed to him. He got to an open place, and broke the seal and read it as his eyes went wide in fear and terror.

The letter read:

"Dear Kageyama Kazuma,

Before anything, I wanted to ask you, how have you been? How has my son's favourite punching bag been? Wait, I don't care honestly.

Now then, on to the main topic now, remember what I warned you about telling about all this to anyone? I want you to know that all this is your fault, you're the one to blame, if only you kept your mouth shut, this won't have happened.

I didn't want to go to such extents, wait, I did, I wanted to see you suffer.

You take away my world...

I take away yours.


Mahito Hado"

Kageyama quickly started running towards his house as fast as his legs could go, he thought of using his quirk but he couldn't think about anything else except one person.


He kept running till he stumbled and fell down on the hard ground face first, grazing his arm and cheek. But he once again got up and started running towards his house.

The 10 minute walk to his home felt like hours as he finally made it to his residence. He started hammering on the door with his fists, but to no avail, the door stayed put. He used all the strength he could muster and broke down the door.


No answer.


There was a killing silence in the house.

Smell of burning food filled the air.

Kazuma quickly ran to his mother's room to be met with a horrifying sight.

His mom was lying on the floor face first, with Ryomen's picture in her hand and what seemed to look like 2 gun shots on her back.


Kageyama ran up to his mother, picking her up in his lap, his hands were red with blood now, although it wasn't clear if it was from his injury on the arm, or from the wounds of his mother.


"Ma, why won't you say anything?"

"Ma, look at me."

"Ma, open your eyes, it's your honeypie."




Kageyama was balling his eyes out at the sight, as he hugged his mother as hard as he could, keeping in notice to avoid the wounds.

"It's gonna be okay ma, I'm here. I'll call for help and we can..."

He was cut short as he heard a tinkling on the floor, he turned around to be met with a metallic sphere. Almost on instinct, he used his tendrils to grab the injured lady and jumped away as much as he could as the grenade went off.


Toru, Momo, Uraraka, and a few more girls were having a girls night out at Toru's house, their giggles were soon replaced by a news reporter standing in front of a flaming building.

"Yeah, we are standing live in front of a house here in Hosu city, about 5 minutes ago, someone called the police about a house being caught up in an explosion, the sight is devastating, but it seems like there are no casua... wait, I think I hear some voices from the house."

Toru looks at the television as she was on the edge of her seat. She checked her phone for the millionth time to see if her boyfriend had returned any of her calls or texted her, but no luck.

The girl's noticed this and tried to console their friend that their classmate was going to be okay.

Elsewhere, Izuku, Iida, and Shoto were watching the news at their own homes as well, Endeavour was currently out on patrol, so he was unable to see the news.


Kageyama opened his eyes, his ears still ringing, as tried getting up, only to be met with a metal rod stuck in his right thigh, he quickly looked around to see his mother lying down, the picture still held tightly, but her breathing was short, she was going to suffocate if she inhaled a lot of the gas around her. Kageyama mustered all the strength he could as he pulled the meta rod out of his thigh, his forehead was bleeding, he could hear the firefighters outside, probably not noticing the two mother and son, since they were all busy extinguishing the fire, but it didn't matter to him, his body was screaming at him to stop, but he kept moving, ignoring the pain in his leg and arm where pieces of glass were stuck. He limped over to his mother and picked her up, with hazy eyes, he started looking for an exit. He saw one as he started walking towards it, he used his gauntlet and hit the small hole in the wall as hard as he could as the wall broke, making him a way out of the house, but what the boy then noticed was that he was on the first floor of the house.


"wait, I think I hear some voices from the house."

Suddenly a piece of wall fell down to show two figures standing up, with one on the back of the other. The camera zoomed to show something that made every 1A student was taken back with horror in their eyes. It was their classmate.

The boy screamed and grunted in pain as he fell down from the edge, but was caught by the firefighters, the lot of them went to help the severely injured boy, but the boy grabbed one's collar as he screamed at him.


Toru felt the world stop for her, and she broke down in tears, the other girls felt their stomach turn when they saw the ever cheerful guy in such a terrible state. Even the boys were worried sick about their friend.

The boy was seen being taken to the hospital with a mask on his and the lady's face, and were on a stretcher.

After half an hour or so, the fire was completely extinguished but everything in the house was destroyed. The mother was unconscious and the hit on her head had sent the lady in a temporary coma. The boy on the other hand, had suffered a muscle puncture in his leg, required stitches on his shoulder, luckily the bullets had passed the spine of the lady, and the injury on the head of the boy didn't do any damage to the skull or the brain, but he was meant to be out for 3 days.

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