Chapter 19: Interning at the Ninjas

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Kazuma looked for the address he was provided about the agency, after a while, he was standing in front of what seemed to be a simple dojo. He checked the address again as he was a little amused that the agency was a simple Japanese dojo. He entered the premise to see cherry blossoms filling the grounds beside the walkway.
"Cherry blossoms, he really takes the Ninja aspect to the heart, huh?"
Kazuma made his way to the front door, and knocked twice before it was opened up by none other than the Pro Hero: Kamui Woods.
(A.N. I know Kamui isn't supposed to be a sidekick of Edgeshot, but, it's ✨For the Plot✨)
"My name is Kageyama Kazuma, hero name Dark Order, I applied for internship at this agency. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Kazuma bowed in front of the Pro, who started to giggle as he placed his hand on the shoulder of the hero-in-training.
"Hey now, you don't need to be so formal here, Edgeshot senpai is inside, come on, I'll take you to him."
Kazuma nodded as he followed the hero to a room. Kamui knocked on the door before getting a "Come in" from the inside.
"Senpai, the Kageyama kid is here, should I send him in?"
Kamui then turned to face Kazuma, who was a little nervous about what was going to happen.
"Go in kid, and no matter what happens, don't let it get you down, Kay? Senpai often goes a little harsh, but he is a softie inside. Good luck."
Kazuma nodded as he entered the room to see a simple room with tatami mats and sliding doors and windows. On the opposite side of the room, Edgeshot was sitting, facing the other side than Kazuma.


Kazuma was a little confused as to what the hero meant, suddenly, Edgeshot used his quirk to disappear from front of Kazuma as he quickly made his way behind Kazuma and delivered a huge blow to the boy's back. This all happened so fast that Kazuma couldn't even process what had just happened.
"Lesson 1: Stay alert at all times and keep your surroundings in mind."
Edgeshot then delivers multiple hits on the boy, with Kazuma unable to do anything, which pissed the boy off a little, he started swinging his arms and legs at the Pro, but unable to land a single hit as he was once again licked in the abdomen, which made him spit a little as he gasped for air.
"Lesson 2: NEVER let your emotions get the best of you. Anger makes you act recklessly and gets you in danger. Remember to stay calm and composed, even at the most tense situation."
Kazuma takes a deep breath and calms down and starts observing the movements of the Pro as he noticed a pattern. He followed the Pro and jumped at the place where Edgeshot was about to jump off of, hoping to land a hit on him. But the Pro was already a step ahead of the boy as he stopped mid track, but Kazuma went and hit the tatami mat with his boot, which made him stuck himself in the floor.
"Lesson 3: Observing your opponent is good, but under-estimating your opponent is never a good option."
Edgeshot once again went to kick the boy in the face, hoping to end this by knocking him out, but was caught by Kazuma, who used Edgeshot's momentum against him and threw him at a little distance from him. Kazuma then went on to punch Edgeshot, but the Pro once again slid put of his hands and gained a distance from the boy.
Suddenly, Edgeshot was somehow forced to revert back to his normal form, as he noticed that his shadow was now attached to that of the boy. Kazuma jumped at the Pro and finally landed a hit on his face.
Edgeshot was unfazed by the blow, but he still let go of his fighting stance and took off his mask to smile at the young boy.
Kazuma was shocked at the fact that the Pro had such a huge resemblance to a certain white haired man whom he loved from the bottom of his heart, his father.
"You actually managed to get a hit on me, and even that on the first day, I remember Kamui was able to land a blow on the third day."
He then gave the boy a thumbs up.
"Welcome to the agency kid, I hope to see you perform well."
Kazuma nodded at the Pro with a smile on his face as Edgeshot went to grab two plates of Sushi and sat down near the table which was toppled during their sparring session, he flipped the table and put the two plates on the table.
"Come on, eat up. You must be hungry, in order to stay fit, nutrition is essential."
Kazuma sat in front of the Pro, facing the man as he joined his hands and started to thank the god for the meal. This made the man smile once again.
Once they were finished eating, the two sat down as Edgeshot started speaking as he wore his mask once again.
"I saw you perform at the sports festival and have some points on you. Good and bad. Although your performance in the obstacle course and cavalry battle was good, during the battle against that green haired boy, your emotions seemed to get the best of you, which I instructed you to work on not an hour ago."
Kazuma hung his head low as he felt ashamed about the fact that the Pro had seen him break down.
"But still..."
Kazuma looked up to see Edgeshot looking at the Sakura tree outside the window.
"Your will to fight and win even after that hadn't broken down, I liked that, your determination to something will definitely help you on your way to become a pro."
This made the boy smile.
"But know that these 7 days will be hard if you're not up to it. If you do good, we can go out to have icecream or at an amusement park, since it peaks interest of teenagers such as you."
Kazuma looked at the Pro in amusement as Kamui's words repeated in his head.
"Senpai often goes a little harsh, but he is a softie inside."
Kazuma smiled at the fact that Kamui was indeed right.
"Noe go and spar with the others, use your quirk in any way you want. Injuries will be treated accordingly, but don't go overboard."
Edgeshot signalled the boy to leave, as Kazuma was about to exit, he turned around once again and looked at the Pro once again going in meditation.
"Umm... Mr. Edgeshot, Sir?"
Edgeshot turned around to see the boy looking at him.
"About using my quirk as I want, I kind of needed your help in creating a move of my own."
Edgeshot got up on his feet and made his way to the boy, who reached till his shoulder.
"Well, walk me through it."
Kazuma nodded.
"At the sports festival, when I saw the mines, I noticed that everyone took their steps with extreme precaution, I did so too, but it was hindering my progress, in a battle, such an incident might prove to be a problem. So I wanted to create a move in such a way that I can get a good idea of what my surroundings are, and what, or who is where."
Edgeshot took it all in and nodded.
"I see, so some kind of a move that makes you aware about your surroundings such that there aren't any casualties that might occur due to something that was not visible to the eye at first. Good thinking. Tell me about your quirk, kid."
Kazuma filled Edgeshot with details about his quirk, as the Pro went silent for a second, then looked up at the boy.
"Well, you could use your shadow control to get an idea of were everything is. Think of using your shadows as a third eye, one that enables you to see the things that a person can't see at first sight."
Kazuma nodded as he started to think of a way to do so. He thanked the Pro for his advice as he was about to exit the room.
"And kid, call me Edgeshot, Mr. Edgeshot or Sir makes me feel old, which I'm not, I'm merely in my mid 30s, got it?"
Kazuma nodded.
"Yeah, got it.
"What? You serious? You landed a hit on the first day? Man, I'm jealous."
Kazuma gave Kamui a smug smile, much like his mother's as he dodged an attack Kamui had sent towards him.
"Oh, hold on a second, Kamui sir.
I wanted to try a new move I've been working on since the day I came in the agency. Do you mind lending a hand?"
"Sure, what do I do?"
"Just wrap this blindfold around my eyes and then hit me as I'll try to dodge the attacks."
Kamui looked at the boy with an interested look, as he shrugged his shoulders and put the blindfolds on the boy.
"Yeah, can't see a damn thing. When I say, come at me."
Kamui nodded at the boy.
"Alright let's do this.
Kazuma used his quirk as he started getting a vision of everything that was happening around him. Kamui was stretching as he was about to attack, some other heroes were sparring and a boy had just spilled tea on the floor as he ran to get a mop before Edgeshot saw the tea spilled.
"Alright, I'm ready, come at me."
Kamui started running towards the blinded boy, but was shocked to see that the boy dodged his punch and landed a kick to the knee of the Pro. Kamui jumped back and looked at the smirking boy in amusement.
"Alright now, your turn to attack, let's see if you can attack blinded as well or not."
A while later, a crowd had gathered around the two as they saw this blinded boy, sparring with a pro and able to not only avoid getting hit  but able to land a few blows to the Pro as well.
Edgeshot came out to see what the commotion was about and saw the scene. He smirked, but no-one could see as he was wearing his mask.
"Alright, listen up, Kamui, go and help others with sparring, Order, suit up and meet me at the gate in 10 minutes, we're going for patrol."
Kazuma nodded as he took off the blindfold. Order. This was now what the pros and other interns were calling him now, and honestly, he liked the nickname.
Meanwhile, a hunched figure, with a red scarf going across his forehead, was looking at a beautiful city of Hosu on top of a water tank, blades were present everywhere on his body. He turned around to see a hero fallen down, with a sword piercing through their chest. He walks up to the person, pulls the blade out, letting the blood cover the chest of the corpse as he started walking away, giving a sinister laugh that filled the city.

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