Chapter 56: The School festival approaches

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September passed away, as October soon started, meanwhile, some of class 1A students were with Ashido, as she started to show her dancing skills.

Ashido: Look! Look at me!

She then proceeds to break dance as Sero and Toru begin to cheer for her.

Ashido: Breaking! Breaking!

Sero/Toru: Pow! Pow!

Meanwhile, Izuku and Kazuma were looking at the girl dancing.

Izuku: Her fighting style is so fluent and flexible because of her quirk. It’s like she uses her whole body for her movements.
Kazuma: Hey, why don’t you ask her to teach you about that? It will help you with your quirk too, if you think about it.

Suddenly, Ashido stops dancing as she looks at Izuku.

Ashido: Okay boy, let’s dance!

Izuku: Oh, um, please teach me!

Ashido: First, the two step.

Ashido then describes how to do two-step to Aoyama and Izuku. But both the boys seem confused as to what the two-step is, and how to do it. They try to dance, but their movements were stiff and were anything but the two-step.

Kazuma and Kirishima try to hold their laughter in, but fail miserably, as they both burst out laughing, Ashido then looks at the two, as a chill goes down their spine.

Ashido: You two seem to know a lot about it, huh?

Kazuma: Well… umm…

Kirishima: Come on Kazuma! Let’s do this and show them how manly we both are!

Kazuma: Huh?

The two then proceed to dance..?

Ashido: Yeah okay, I think we’ve seen enough.

Meanwhile, an earphone jack goes flying towards Kaminari and stops merely inches away from his face, as a warning from Jiro, who seemed irritated at Kaminari.


It was now the end of homeroom, as Aizawa was getting ready to sleep in his lovely sleeping bag, and the students were all fired up about the upcoming School Festival.

Aizawa: Umm… we’re gonna have a sports festival.

Everyone: *happy screaming noises*

Kirishima: Hey, wait. But Mr. Aizawa…

Kazuma: Is it okay to be carefree as of now? Like, at such time?

Kaminari: Wow… you two’ve changed.

Kirishima: Well, it’s though, isn’t it? Villains are flourishing right now!

Aizawa: You’re right. That’s a very reasonable option. However, UA isn’t just about hero course, there are other courses too. If the sports festival is a huge event for the hero course, the school festival is a huge event for the support course, the general studies course and the business studies course to shine. I admit it doesn’t provide enough limelight to their talents compared to the sports festival, but still, it’s something they look forward to.
Kirishima: Well, when you put it like that, there’s no reason to not hold it.

Aizawa: Yeah, if you now see why we can’t just say that we won’t be doing it. Also, unlike the past years, this time, other than some people getting involved,the festival will be just for the school. Each class has to participate with something, so you have to decide today and now.

He then slumps on the wall and instantly falls asleep.

Then, Iida and Momo, being the class rep and deputy rep of class 1A respectively, step forward.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now