Chapter 39: Moving Into the Dorms

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It's been a few days now since Kazuma was discharged from the hospital, he was able to move his arms now, but sudden movements stung a little, which the doctor assured that would go away in a few days and just like that, it was time for the UA students to head back to school. On the grounds of UA, after a walk of about 5 minutes a student dorm was built: Heights Alliance. The new home for UA students.

The students of class A were standing in front of their homeroom teacher, Aizawa.

Aizawa: For now, I'm glad that we were able to bring everyone back together.

Sero: Everyone was allowed to enter the dorms, huh?

Toru: *sigh* I had quite the hard time to be sent...

Jirou: I can second that...

Ojiro: You two were affected by the gas directly.

Tsuyu: We were all able to be together because of the teachers. While watching the press conference, I thought we'd not be able to come back here, and it saddened me.

Uraraka: Yeah...

Aizawa: Well, honestly. I was surprised too. I'm sure everyone has different circumstances. Now, I'll briefly explain about the dorms, but first... for now, we'll focus on getting your provisional licenses we were planning to get you after the camp.

Izuku: Right, they did talk about that.

Aizawa: This is important. Listen up. Kirishima. Yaoyurozu. Todoroki. Iida. Midoriya. These five went to save Bakugo and Kazuma that night.

The students stayed silent as they couldn't think of anything to say.

Aizawa: Your reactions tell me that you were all atleast aware of it. Setting aside a number of issues, if it wasn't for All Might's retirement, I would have expelled everyone except Kazuma, Bakugo, Hagakure amd and Jirou. Of course the five who went, but also the others who knew but didn't stop them, thus, betraying our trust, no matter the reason. I would be grateful if you could follow the proper procedures and act properly in order to regain that trust. That is all. Now, we're going inside. Let's have some energy!

Aizawa started to walk away, as all the students had their heads down. Bakugo looked at Kirishima, who looked the most down among everyone. Bakugo clicks his tongue as he grabs Kaminari by his collar and drags him off.

Bakugo: Come here.

Kaminari: Huh? What? No!

He then dragged Kaminari behind some bushes as a large amount of electricity discharging, making everyone jump.

Out of the bushes, emerged a Kaminari whose brain was shorted out from overuse of his quirk. Jirou tried to control her laughter, but failed as the Pikachu gave everyone a thumbs-up.

Bakugo then comes out of the bushes and hands some cash to Kirishima.

Kirishima: Huh? You're scaring me! You shook him down for money?!

Bakugo: No! I withdrew this money. You used up all your allowance, right?

Kirishima: *surprised* Yeah... Where did you hear about me buying night vision goggles..?

Bakugo then walks over and starts heading inside the dorms.

Bakugo: If you keep having to scrimp and save, then it'll make me feel bad. Show your usual dumb side.

Kazuma: Awwww... the pomeranian actually cares... a precious moment for BakuKiri shippers.

Bakugo turns around to face Kazuma.

Bakugo: What was that, Black n White? I'll kill you...

Kazuma: *giggling* Yeah yeah, I'm glad Kirishima's feeling better too.

Bakugo then turns around once again as he goes into the dorms.

Izuku: Oh, Kageyama, are you o-

Before the boy could finish, Kageyama grabbed his bags as he ran into the building.

Kazuma: Oi! King Explosion Murder! Wait for me!!!


It was now evening as the students were done settling in, while Kirishima, Kaminari, and Kazuma were sitting on the couch, while Yaoyurozu was making tea for Aizawa and the other students as the homeroom teacher had dropped by to check on the students.

Kazuma: *To Kaminari* So let me get this straight... your alibi is a mysterious person, who entered the dorms, went inside our building, opened the refrigerator, took out MY katsudon, heated it in the microwave, ate it, and put the bowl in front of you... and left.

Kaminari: *quickly trying to hide the bowl by putting it under his shirt* See when you say it like that, it sounds unbelievable.

Kazuma: Yeah right, buddy... you owe me-

Aizawa: Kazuma...

The boy turns around to see his homeroom teacher standing behind him.

Aizawa: It's time for your bandages to be changed. Ask someone for help and get it done along with your medicines.

Kazuma: Yeah thanks for the reminder dad.

Everyone in the room stops whatever they were doing and stares at Kazuma. Kazuma takes notice of this as he looks at everyone staring at him.

Kazuma: Why is everyone staring at me?

Yaoyorozu: You just called Aizawa-sensei "dad". You said "thanks for the reminder dad".

Kazuma: What? No I didn't, I said thanks... sir.

Aizawa: Kazuma... do you see me as a father figure..?

Kazuma: What? No! If I see you as anything, I see you as a "BOTHER" figure cuz you're always "BOTHERING" me.

Kirishima stands up from the couch and stares at Kazuma.

Kirishima: Hey, show your father some respect. That's not manly at all!

Kazuma: I didn't call him dad.

Aizawa: No no no no! Kageyama. I take it as a compliment.

Sero: It's not a big deal, my cousin once called his fiance mom.

Kazuma: Guys, jump on that! Sero has a cousin who has psycho sexual issues.

Toru: Yeah, that's fine since it wasn't Sero himself. But you calling Aizawa-sensei daddy...

Kazuma: Okay, "Daddy" is not on the table here.

Kaminari: But you did call him dad dude.

Kazuma: Shut up, you've been doing nothing but lying since I began questioning you about the Katsudon.

Kaminari: Alright, alright, I was lying about the food. But the dad thing? That happened...

Kazuma: AHA! He admitted that his alibi was a lie. It was a trap, all part of my devious crazy plan.

Aizawa: I believe you...

Kazuma: THANKS!

Aizawa: ... son

Kazuma rolls his eyes.

Aizawa: You wanna talk about it later.. on a lunch to a ramen shop?

Kazuma: *whispering* Yes, I'd like that very much.

(Someone please get the reference 🙏)

Aizawa then walks out of the building, as Ashido runs in the room.

Ashido: Boys, are you all done with your rooms?

Kaminari: Yepp. Just relaxing now.

Ashido: Well, the girls were talking just now...

Toru: ... and we have an idea.

Ashido: Wanna have a room presentation contest?

Izuku/Tokoyami: Huh?

Suddenly, Izuku started to shake his hands frantically as he tries to stop everyone from entering his room, but it was no use.

Izuku: No, no, wait..!

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